Connecting a USB hard disk with music files to ROON

Roon Core Machine

Mac OS Mojave version 10.14.6

Macbook Pro 2.6 Ghz, 8 GB memory, 250 Gb

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Deco 9 Plus

Connected Audio Devices

Naim Uniti Atom
iPad Pro
MacBook Pro iTunes

Number of Tracks in Library

Qobuz playlists
30 Albums on iTunes

Description of Issue

I have all my CDs as files on a USB hard disk. About 1500 CDs. But, I would like to connect that “library” to Core as well. But, perhaps it is not possible?

Plug it in and then add it to roon through settings, storage.

What type of file format are they?
Roon does not like WMA files but flac or WAV are fine.


Many thanks!
They are WAW files.

The Naim Uniti uses my home network. My Roon core is a Mac Pro. My Qobuz plays over Roon as well ad my iTunes files from the MacPro computer. But, I am not sure why the ROON app does not find Naim Uniti Atom on my network.

The USB disk connected to the Naim streamer all the time and is available through Naim’s own app.


Thanks! Then I know. No need to worry then.

Not so fast - if they are WAV format files, then there may be an issue with the metadata in the files. Naim uses a proprietary method of handling metadata I believe. See:

Are you saying roon doesn’t see the Atom at all or it does see it as a player but not attached files?

My issue with a USB disk attached to a my Naim Uniti Atom not being seen by ROON core was solved. I just moved the disk from Atom to my MacBook pro and then my library of CDs appeared in ROON. Simple!

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