Ok, this didn’t take too long.
Also, this time, I think I can come up with some log to hopefully draw some conclusions from.
11/18 19:53:31 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:16/10:21] Heir Apparent - Opeth
11/18 19:53:36 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:21/10:21] Heir Apparent - Opeth
11/18 19:53:41 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:25/10:21] Heir Apparent - Opeth
11/18 19:53:43 Trace: [Office] [zoneplayer/raat] sync Dutch & Dutch 8c: realtime=10803087434182 rtt=500us offset=62060434us delta=-54us drift=104495us in 3394,2065s (30,786ppm, 110,831ms/hr)
11/18 19:53:45 Info: [stats] 5740mb Virtual, 484mb Physical, 313mb Managed, 2219 Handles, 116 Threads
11/18 19:53:46 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:31/10:21] Heir Apparent - Opeth
11/18 19:53:51 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:36/10:21] Heir Apparent - Opeth
11/18 19:53:56 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:41/10:21] Heir Apparent - Opeth
11/18 19:54:00 Info: [stats] 5744mb Virtual, 484mb Physical, 314mb Managed, 2230 Handles, 117 Threads
11/18 19:54:01 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:46/10:21] Heir Apparent - Opeth
11/18 19:54:04 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting
11/18 19:54:04 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] connecting to
11/18 19:54:06 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:51/10:21] Heir Apparent - Opeth
11/18 19:54:11 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:56/10:21] Heir Apparent - Opeth
11/18 19:54:14 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting
11/18 19:54:14 Warn: [zoneplayer/raat] Error during streaming: System.Exception: serverside buffer overrun
bei Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatTcpAudioSource.SendFrames(IPEndPoint ep, Int32 stream_id, Int64 streamsample, Double buffersize, StreamFormat format, Double gain, Double peak, Byte[] buf, Int32 nsamples)
bei Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatZonePlayer.<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<_StartStream4>b__1()
11/18 19:54:14 Debug: FTMSI-B closed file for ti/46A613AC; open files:0
11/18 19:54:14 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/46A613AC download status: FirstBlockRetrieved accessTimeout:True openFiles:0 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,True,1)
11/18 19:54:14 Info: FTMSI-B ti/46A613AC: allocated bw changed from 51200 to 0 kbps
11/18 19:54:14 Info: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/82249224 dwStatus:AllBlocksDownloaded files:1 accessTimeOut:False priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':32) --> bw limit:0kbps
11/18 19:54:14 Info: FTMSI-B 2 FileCache ti/46A613AC dwStatus:FirstBlockRetrieved files:0 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':33) --> bw limit:0kbps
11/18 19:54:14 Error: [raat/tcpaudiosource] connect failed: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
11/18 19:54:14 Warn: [zone Office] Track Stopped Due to Error
11/18 19:54:14 Warn: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting + retrying
11/18 19:54:14 Info: [library] recorded play for profile e276f0b7-1456-42ba-804b-9d795832ad90: mediaid=50:1:9ec2a6ac-de04-40a7-bd0f-408af6493fa5 metadataid= contentid=168:0:96962682 libraryid=50:1:9ec2a6ac-de04-40a7-bd0f-408af6493fa5 isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile=
11/18 19:54:14 Info:
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Inactive
11/18 19:54:14 Warn: inactive signal path :(
11/18 19:54:14 Info: [zone Office] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
11/18 19:54:14 Debug: [zone Office] _Advance (Track)
11/18 19:54:14 Trace: [library] finished with 40 dirty tracks 4 dirty albums 3 dirty performers 20 dirty works 40 dirty performances 0 clumping tracks, 0 clumping auxfiles 0 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 0 tracks to (re)load, 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to (re)load, 0 auxfiles to retain, and 68 changed objects
11/18 19:54:14 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [LOADING @ 0:00] Era - Opeth
11/18 19:54:14 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
11/18 19:54:14 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
11/18 19:54:14 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 101ms, got 18 top albums, 16 top performers, 11 genres
11/18 19:54:14 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 73ms, got 18 top albums, 16 top performers, 11 genres
11/18 19:54:14 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 75ms, got 18 top albums, 16 top performers, 11 genres
11/18 19:54:14 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 177ms, got 50 top albums, 50 top performers, 55 genres
11/18 19:54:14 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 39 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 4898 ms)
11/18 19:54:14 Trace: [library] endmutation in 550ms
11/18 19:54:14 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 3 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 4901 ms)
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [music/searchindex] [search-index] removed: 1 albums, 1 tracks, 0 works, 1 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [music/searchindex] [search-index] added in 8405ms: 1 albums, 1 tracks, 0 works, 1 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: [easyhttp] [969] GET to https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962683/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=DE&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM returned after 203 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962683/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=DE&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: [easyhttp] [970] GET to https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962684/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=DE&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM returned after 220 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962684/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=DE&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: [easyhttp] [971] GET to https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962683?countryCode=DE returned after 34 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962683?countryCode=DE => Success
11/18 19:54:15 Info: [Office] [zoneplayer] Playing: http://sp-pr-fa.audio.tidal.com/mediatracks/CAEaKRInMjNkMzhmODZlNTkwNjE0YTk1ZmRjMzVmMjQzOTU1OWJfNjAubXA0/0.flac
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: FTMSI-B closed file for ti/82249224; open files:0
11/18 19:54:15 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/82249224 download status: AllBlocksDownloaded accessTimeout:False openFiles:0 prev:(AllBlocksDownloaded,False,1)
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [Office] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Dutch & Dutch 8c State Changed: Playing => Prepared
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [Dutch & Dutch 8c @] [raatclient] SENT [9615]{"request":"end_stream"}
11/18 19:54:15 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed
11/18 19:54:15 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [Dutch & Dutch 8c @] [raatclient] GOT [6186] {"status":"Ended"}
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [Dutch & Dutch 8c @] [raatclient] GOT [9615] {"status":"Success"}
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: [easyhttp] [972] GET to https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962684?countryCode=DE returned after 137 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962684?countryCode=DE => Success
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: [easyhttp] [967] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-de returned after 613 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:15 Info: [stats] 5784mb Virtual, 488mb Physical, 324mb Managed, 2227 Handles, 127 Threads
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: [easyhttp] [965] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-de returned after 634 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: [easyhttp] [968] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de returned after 633 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: [easyhttp] [966] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de returned after 635 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:15 Info: sleep 500ms after flush
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: FTMSI-B Cache open file ti/46A613AC domain: zoneplayer:3 ordinal:34
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/46A613AC download status: FirstBlockRetrieved accessTimeout:True openFiles:1 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,True,0)
11/18 19:54:15 Info: [Office] [zoneplayer] Queueing: http://sp-pr-fa.audio.tidal.com/mediatracks/CAEaKRInZTM1NjhkOTJhOTg3YjJmOGNmZGIzMWY1YzdkYzI1NjVfNjAubXA0/0.flac
11/18 19:54:15 Info: FTMSI-B ti/46A613AC: allocated bw changed from 0 to 51200 kbps
11/18 19:54:15 Info: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/82249224 dwStatus:AllBlocksDownloaded files:0 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':32) --> bw limit:0kbps
11/18 19:54:15 Info: FTMSI-B 2 FileCache ti/46A613AC dwStatus:FirstBlockRetrieved files:1 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':34) --> bw limit:51200kbps
11/18 19:54:15 Info: FTMSI-B FileCache removed ti/82249224
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/82249224 exit thread signalled
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/46A613AC dwStatus:FirstBlockRetrieved files:1 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':34) --> bw limit:51200kbps
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/82249224 exit thread signalled
11/18 19:54:15 Info: FTMSI-B new FileCache ti/5AD7F6FB
>>> C:\Users\mFinke\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Cache\smc.db\bfc\31.cache
>>> http://sp-pr-fa.audio.tidal.com/mediatracks/CAEaKRInZTM1NjhkOTJhOTg3YjJmOGNmZGIzMWY1YzdkYzI1NjVfNjAubXA0/0.flac
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: FTMSI-B Cache open file ti/5AD7F6FB domain: zoneplayer:3 ordinal:35
11/18 19:54:15 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB download status: DownloadNotStarted accessTimeout:False openFiles:1 prev:no
11/18 19:54:15 Info: FTMSI-B FileCache disposed ti/82249224
11/18 19:54:15 Info: [Office] [zoneplayer] Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=Success]
11/18 19:54:15 Info: [Office] [zoneplayer] Starting playback
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [Office] [zoneplayer/raat] StartStream Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatZonePlayer+Endpoint: StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=44100, isdts=False, mqa=44100) => StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=44100, isdts=False, mqa=44100) streamid=1201454764
11/18 19:54:15 Info: [zone Office] OnPlayFeedback Playing
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Era - Opeth
11/18 19:54:15 Trace: [prebuffer] ready 149940/441000 (34%) @ 0/450 sec
11/18 19:54:16 Info:
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Enhanced
Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2 Quality=Lossless MQA 44100
MQA Subtype=authentication LightState=off OriginalSampleRate=44100 OutputSampleRate= OutputBitsPerSample=
Raat Device=Dutch & Dutch 8c
SampleRateConversion FromSampleRate=44100 ToSampleRate=48000 Algorithm=Other Quality=None
DSP Subtype=dutch_dutch_room_eq PresetKey= TruePeak= Value= StringValue= Model= FromSampleRate= ToSampleRate= Quality=Enhanced PresetDisplayName= ModeDisplayName=10_2022
DSP Subtype=dutch_dutch_tone_control PresetKey= TruePeak= Value= StringValue= Model= FromSampleRate= ToSampleRate= Quality=Enhanced PresetDisplayName= ModeDisplayName=
Amplifier Method=dutch_dutch Quality=Lossless
Output OutputType=Local_Speakers Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
11/18 19:54:16 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/46A613AC exit thread signalled
11/18 19:54:16 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/46A613AC download status: AllBlocksDownloaded accessTimeout:False openFiles:1 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,False,1)
11/18 19:54:16 Info: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB: allocated bw changed from 0 to 51200 kbps
11/18 19:54:16 Info: FTMSI-B ti/46A613AC: allocated bw changed from 51200 to 0 kbps
11/18 19:54:16 Info: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/5AD7F6FB dwStatus:DownloadNotStarted files:1 accessTimeOut:False priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':35) --> bw limit:51200kbps
11/18 19:54:16 Info: FTMSI-B 2 FileCache ti/46A613AC dwStatus:AllBlocksDownloaded files:1 accessTimeOut:False priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':34) --> bw limit:0kbps
11/18 19:54:16 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/5AD7F6FB created new req 1 for block 0 p 4294967295; active requests 1
11/18 19:54:16 Debug: [easyhttp] [974] GET to http://sp-pr-fa.audio.tidal.com/mediatracks/CAEaKRInZTM1NjhkOTJhOTg3YjJmOGNmZGIzMWY1YzdkYzI1NjVfNjAubXA0/0.flac?token=1668801254~NTIwZTk2Y2VlNDFhYWI5NzZmOGE1MjI3YjBkMjJjYzQ2ZmUyNTRkMA== returned after 32 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:16 Debug: FTMSI-B got length for ti/5AD7F6FB; 106,1 MBytes
11/18 19:54:16 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB download status: FileLengthRetrieved accessTimeout:False openFiles:1 prev:(DownloadNotStarted,False,1)
11/18 19:54:16 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE set min bandwidth for ti/5AD7F6FB to 1222 kbps
11/18 19:54:16 Info: FTMSI-B-OE ti/5AD7F6FB rid:1 response took 32ms
11/18 19:54:16 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB download status: FirstBlockRetrieved accessTimeout:False openFiles:1 prev:(FileLengthRetrieved,False,1)
11/18 19:54:16 Info: [Office] [zoneplayer] Open result (Queueing): Result[Status=Success]
11/18 19:54:16 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/46A613AC rid:1 request ended -- first block: 0 blocks read: 1614 download speed: 6908kbps response time: 190ms
11/18 19:54:17 Warn: [Office] [zoneplayer/raat] failed to sync sender clock to endpointDutch & Dutch 8c: Sooloos.Broker.Transport.ClockSyncResult
11/18 19:54:17 Warn: [Office] [zoneplayer/raat] failed to sync clocks with any endpoints..giving up
11/18 19:54:17 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
11/18 19:54:17 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed
11/18 19:54:17 Info: sleep 500ms after flush
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: FTMSI-B closed file for ti/5AD7F6FB; open files:0
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB download status: FirstBlockRetrieved accessTimeout:False openFiles:0 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,False,1)
11/18 19:54:17 Info: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB: allocated bw changed from 51200 to 0 kbps
11/18 19:54:17 Info: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/5AD7F6FB dwStatus:FirstBlockRetrieved files:0 accessTimeOut:False priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':35) --> bw limit:0kbps
11/18 19:54:17 Info: FTMSI-B 2 FileCache ti/46A613AC dwStatus:AllBlocksDownloaded files:1 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':34) --> bw limit:0kbps
11/18 19:54:17 Warn: [zone Office] Track Stopped Due to Error
11/18 19:54:17 Info: [zone Office] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: [zone Office] _Advance (Track)
11/18 19:54:17 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [LOADING @ 0:00] Deliverance - Opeth
11/18 19:54:17 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 4902 ms)
11/18 19:54:17 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 2 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 4904 ms)
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB download status: FirstBlockRetrieved accessTimeout:True openFiles:0 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,False,0)
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: [easyhttp] [976] GET to https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962684/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=DE&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM returned after 136 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:17 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962684/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=DE&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: [easyhttp] [977] GET to https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962684?countryCode=DE returned after 36 ms, status code: 200
11/18 19:54:17 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/96962684?countryCode=DE => Success
11/18 19:54:17 Info: [Office] [zoneplayer] Playing: http://sp-pr-fa.audio.tidal.com/mediatracks/CAEaKRInZTM1NjhkOTJhOTg3YjJmOGNmZGIzMWY1YzdkYzI1NjVfNjAubXA0/0.flac
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: FTMSI-B closed file for ti/46A613AC; open files:0
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: FTMSI-B Cache open file ti/5AD7F6FB domain: zoneplayer:3 ordinal:36
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB download status: FirstBlockRetrieved accessTimeout:True openFiles:1 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,True,0)
11/18 19:54:17 Info: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB: allocated bw changed from 0 to 51200 kbps
11/18 19:54:17 Info: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/5AD7F6FB dwStatus:FirstBlockRetrieved files:1 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':36) --> bw limit:51200kbps
11/18 19:54:17 Info: FTMSI-B 2 FileCache ti/46A613AC dwStatus:AllBlocksDownloaded files:1 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':34) --> bw limit:0kbps
11/18 19:54:17 Info: FTMSI-B FileCache removed ti/46A613AC
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/46A613AC exit thread signalled
11/18 19:54:17 Trace: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/5AD7F6FB dwStatus:FirstBlockRetrieved files:1 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':36) --> bw limit:51200kbps
11/18 19:54:17 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/46A613AC exit thread signalled
11/18 19:54:17 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
11/18 19:54:17 Info: FTMSI-B FileCache disposed ti/46A613AC
11/18 19:54:17 Info: [Office] [zoneplayer] Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=Success]
11/18 19:54:17 Info: [Office] [zoneplayer] Starting playback
11/18 19:54:17 Trace: [Office] [zoneplayer/raat] StartStream Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatZonePlayer+Endpoint: StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=44100, isdts=False, mqa=44100) => StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=44100, isdts=False, mqa=44100) streamid=1201454765
11/18 19:54:17 Info: [zone Office] OnPlayFeedback Playing
11/18 19:54:17 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Deliverance - Opeth
11/18 19:54:17 Trace: [prebuffer] ready 149940/441000 (34%) @ 0/853 sec
11/18 19:54:18 Info:
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Enhanced
Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2 Quality=Lossless MQA 44100
MQA Subtype=authentication LightState=off OriginalSampleRate=44100 OutputSampleRate= OutputBitsPerSample=
Raat Device=Dutch & Dutch 8c
SampleRateConversion FromSampleRate=44100 ToSampleRate=48000 Algorithm=Other Quality=None
DSP Subtype=dutch_dutch_room_eq PresetKey= TruePeak= Value= StringValue= Model= FromSampleRate= ToSampleRate= Quality=Enhanced PresetDisplayName= ModeDisplayName=10_2022
DSP Subtype=dutch_dutch_tone_control PresetKey= TruePeak= Value= StringValue= Model= FromSampleRate= ToSampleRate= Quality=Enhanced PresetDisplayName= ModeDisplayName=
Amplifier Method=dutch_dutch Quality=Lossless
Output OutputType=Local_Speakers Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
11/18 19:54:18 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB download status: FirstBlockRetrieved accessTimeout:True openFiles:1 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,False,1)
11/18 19:54:18 Warn: [Office] [zoneplayer/raat] failed to sync sender clock to endpointDutch & Dutch 8c: Sooloos.Broker.Transport.ClockSyncResult
11/18 19:54:18 Warn: [Office] [zoneplayer/raat] failed to sync clocks with any endpoints..giving up
11/18 19:54:18 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
11/18 19:54:18 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed
11/18 19:54:19 Info: sleep 500ms after flush
11/18 19:54:19 Warn: [zone Office] Track Stopped Due to Error
11/18 19:54:19 Info: [zone Office] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
11/18 19:54:19 Debug: [zone Office] _Advance (Track)
11/18 19:54:19 Info: [transport/autosleep] scheduling autosleep for Dutch & Dutch 8c (23:1:bc6d667e-56e9-8e1b-fa24-f10754e08898) [IsAvailable=True] in 300 seconds
11/18 19:54:19 Trace: [Office] [Enhanced, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/44 MQA] [100% buf] [STOPPED @ 0:00]
11/18 19:54:24 Trace: [zone Office] [zone] no playback for 5s, suspending to release audio device
11/18 19:54:24 Info:
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Inactive
11/18 19:54:24 Warn: inactive signal path :(
11/18 19:54:24 Trace: [zone Office] Suspend
11/18 19:54:24 Trace: [zone Office] Stop
11/18 19:54:24 Info: [zone Office] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
11/18 19:54:24 Info: [zone Office] Canceling Pending Sleep
11/18 19:54:24 Debug: FTMSI-B closed file for ti/5AD7F6FB; open files:0
11/18 19:54:24 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB download status: FirstBlockRetrieved accessTimeout:True openFiles:0 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,True,1)
11/18 19:54:24 Info: FTMSI-B ti/5AD7F6FB: allocated bw changed from 51200 to 0 kbps
11/18 19:54:24 Info: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/5AD7F6FB dwStatus:FirstBlockRetrieved files:0 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:3':36) --> bw limit:0kbps
11/18 19:54:24 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
11/18 19:54:30 Info: [stats] 5744mb Virtual, 497mb Physical, 337mb Managed, 2240 Handles, 117 Threads
11/18 19:54:45 Info: [stats] 5720mb Virtual, 497mb Physical, 337mb Managed, 2234 Handles, 111 Threads
11/18 19:55:00 Info: [stats] 5724mb Virtual, 497mb Physical, 335mb Managed, 2228 Handles, 112 Threads
11/18 19:55:15 Info: [stats] 5724mb Virtual, 497mb Physical, 340mb Managed, 2228 Handles, 112 Threads
11/18 19:55:30 Info: [stats] 5724mb Virtual, 496mb Physical, 340mb Managed, 2235 Handles, 112 Threads
11/18 19:55:45 Info: [stats] 5724mb Virtual, 496mb Physical, 339mb Managed, 2231 Handles, 112 Threads
11/18 19:56:00 Info: [stats] 5728mb Virtual, 496mb Physical, 338mb Managed, 2239 Handles, 113 Threads
11/18 19:56:15 Info: [stats] 5728mb Virtual, 496mb Physical, 337mb Managed, 2239 Handles, 113 Threads
11/18 19:56:30 Info: [stats] 5724mb Virtual, 496mb Physical, 336mb Managed, 2235 Handles, 112 Threads
11/18 19:56:45 Info: [stats] 5720mb Virtual, 496mb Physical, 341mb Managed, 2233 Handles, 111 Threads
11/18 19:57:00 Info: [stats] 5724mb Virtual, 496mb Physical, 340mb Managed, 2233 Handles, 112 Threads
11/18 19:57:15 Info: [stats] 5724mb Virtual, 496mb Physical, 338mb Managed, 2221 Handles, 112 Threads
11/18 19:57:30 Info: [stats] 5748mb Virtual, 498mb Physical, 339mb Managed, 2253 Handles, 118 Threads