Roon Core Machine
Mac with macOS Catalina.
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Mac --(Ethernet)-- Modem/Router --(Ethernet)-- Synology 1520+ with music share
Connected Audio Devices
None external at the moment. Only Mac built-in.
Number of Tracks in Library
18,000 tracks
Description of Issue
I’m trying Roon on the Mac. After installing I want to add the network share with the music. The network share is on a Synology (and is mounted as well as macOS Volume).
From the Volume’s Get info panel I got the share URI: smb://Tomo._smb._tcp.local/Welten
I also know for certain the credentials for the share (because I used them to mount it as a Volumne to macOS), but when I add the share in Roon I get “Could not connect to share: Unauthorized”.
Any idea why’s that and how I can fix this?