Creating a backup location/network share

Over the years I have raised this topic several times. Although once or twice I did mange to create a network share that worked following advice on the Forum), it subsequently failed to. My difficulty all along has been finding a path which is acceptable without getting the red error box popping up. Can anyone provide me with a step-by-step idiots guide on how to find the right address to put in the network share box? Why does Roon make this so complicated


There threads should be of help:

Not enough info to help

  • Which operating system are you using ?
  • Do you have computer on your network that is not the Roon Server

I use windows 10 , I created a share \\Main-Pc\Roon which has worked perfectly for years

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As @Mike_O_Neill says you need to provide more details of which OS you’re using along with error messages & screenshots (if relevant).
However, if you’re using Windows 10/11 see my previous post and also the link contained in it leading to an microsoft windows article on smb1.

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I’m on Windows 11 Home on a fairly new HP desktop PC. My Roon Core is not on this PC but is on My Innuos Zenith Mk 3 music server. There are no other PCs on my network. I’ve been trying to set up the backup on the PC and also on a flash drive. I have succeeded in the past with \GEOFF-DESKTOP\RoonDB but this no longer works (although the last backup I made is still in this file location). I’ve tried numerous variations of the share location but can’t find one that works. Looked at your previous post about smb1 and the Microsoft link, but didn’t understand it. All relevant files are shared with Everyone.

Assuming something has changed from your original setup, the following may help (for Win 11 home) as it’s easy to miss something…

Configure Folder Sharing

  • Right-Click & Open Properties:
    Right-click the folder and select Properties.
  • Access the Sharing Tab:
    Go to the Sharing tab, then click the Share… button.
  • Select Users:
    In the File Sharing window, you’ll see a dropdown where you can add users. For a local network backup, you might add “Everyone” to allow access. (If you add “Everyone,” be sure that your network is secured.)
    • Click the dropdown, select “Everyone,” and then click Add.
  • Set Permission Levels:
    Adjust the permission level from Read to Read/Write if you want the other computer to both read from and write backup files into the folder.
  • Confirm Sharing Settings:
    Click Share and note the network path shown (it will be something like \\YourPCName\BackupShare). This is the address you’ll use on the other computer to access the folder.

Check Advanced Sharing Options and Network Discovery

  • Open Network & Internet Settings:
    Go to Settings > Network & Internet or open the Control Panel and navigate to Network and Sharing Center.
  • Enable Network Discovery:
    Ensure that Network Discovery and File and Printer Sharing are turned on.
    • In Windows 11, go to Advanced network settings and then Advanced sharing settings. Under your current network profile (usually Private), make sure both toggles are enabled.
  • Adjust Permissions if Needed:
    If you experience connection issues, check your firewall settings to ensure that file sharing isn’t being blocked.
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Many thanks for this. I thought I’d already done all this but I worked through it again and found the destination file needed its advanced sharing settings completed. Even after doing this it took several tries to get an acceptable path in the Add Network Share box. Anyway I finally succeeded and just made a backup. Thanks again. Geoff

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Good to hear the lecture worked Geoff :+1:t4: :grin: