Daily Mixes not showing in build 806 [Recent issues resolved, Roon continuing to monitor and work on additional improvements]

The same here: daily mixes on windows10 pc are there, no daily mixes on android tablet (samsung tab s6) or phone (samsung tab s9). Core=rock on nuc

reinstalled the apps on my phone/tablet, daily mixes are visible now!

YES :slightly_smiling_face:
Now I see both Tidal mymixes an My Daily mixes on all my devices(Windows10,Ipad,android)
And I really love it. Thank you for this long requestet update. Tidal view is SUPER… Thumps up :slight_smile: :wave:

Adding my experience. I updated to build 806 on my M1 Mac mini remote and updated my Roon core running on a Synology NAS yesterday and My Daily Mixes were available. Today I noticed they had disappeared. I installed the Android remote client this evening and Daily Mixes appear there, but still not on my Mac mini remote.

I have tried all the steps others have tried. Restarting the remotes and core. Logging in/out/in again. Nothing.

Same here. Daily Mixes show up on Mac, but do not on Ipad, Iphone or android tablets. Apps deleted and reinstalled several times with no success.

Last two days Daily Mixes been working fine for me, this morning they are gone and nowhere to be seen. Android remote 7.40 am GMT.

Edit. Just forced a couple of resyncs with Qobuz and it now appears. @kevin it appears you have some connection issues when it’s updating perhaps.

I couldn’t see Daily Mixes yesterday - but I also didn’t know where to look!
At 22.00 last night I used Soundiiz to create a Tidal playlist which was reflected immediately in Roon.
This morning I can now see Daily Mixes as part of the Home screen.

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Good morning @jamie,

still the same problem. I am not seeing Daily Mixes in any of the remotes.

I didn’t see them at first, but after:

  1. Logging out of Qobuz
  2. Rebooting NUC with Roon
  3. Logging back in to Qobuz

they appeared for me. Hope they stay!

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It now suddenly works, even though I haven’t done anything special. The only thing that might have helped is that after countless attempts instead of using the iPad, I opened the app on my android phone. After that it also worked on the iPad. Coincidence?

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Mine are back working.

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Nothing showing for me either. ROCK on NUC is on build 806, ditto for android tablet. Although I do have a few ropieee endpoints.

I have tried multiple Core restarts, and logging in and out of Qobuz. Currently playing a Qobuz playlist and will keep checking.

Add me to the list for missing Daily Mixes. I thought I was doing ok as I’d had no issue all week until this morning where they are now gone and nothing is bringing them back so far.

Getting a lot of this is the Roon Server log;

07/08 09:51:04 Debug: [easyhttp] [70] GET to https://discover.roonlabs.net/1/mixes/profiles/19dc03f8-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-a4d9e40a930f/mixes?localTime=2021-07-08T10%3a50%3a29.8850098&c=qobuz-gb returned after 34620 ms, status code: 502
07/08 09:51:04 Error: System.InvalidOperationException: code is invalid. code:10 format:positive fixint
   at MessagePack.Decoders.InvalidMapHeader.Read(Byte[] bytes, Int32 offset, Int32& readSize)
   at MessagePack.Formatters.Roon_ServiceProxies_DiscoverService_MixesContainerFormatter33.Deserialize(Byte[] , Int32 , IFormatterResolver , Int32& )
   at MessagePack.MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize[T](Byte[] bytes, IFormatterResolver resolver)
   at Roon.ServiceProxies.BaseProxy.Get[T](String url, CancellationToken ctok)

EDIT: NRFY is also intermittently missing as well

Had them yesterday. Today they are gone. Qobuz. iPhone and MacBook.

Followed both sets of steps. At some point after I rebooted the Roon Core (again) the Daily Mixes started appearing.
Whatever this bug is - itt’s an odd one.
There needs to be a fix.

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Good news on my end. It’s back.

I wasn’t able to get to the “Deeper Dig” @kevin suggested, but I was able to play music for several hours last night using Radio. At about 11:00 PM EST I shut down my laptop remote with (with Radio still running on the NUC). At 2:00 AM EST I opened Roon on a Kindle remote (with 806 updated app) and the Daily Mixes section was in place. I picked one and let it play for a few songs, then paused it, closed the remote and went to sleep.

This morning I opened the remote on my laptop, and the Daily Mix section is in place. I checked both the Kindle and Android remotes and the section is there on both as well.

Hope it stays awhile…

I’ll be interested to see what the resolution is/was/will be.

Thanks, @kevin and @jamie

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Here is another wrinkle.

Daily Mixes did not appear after the initial update to NUC/Rock, WIndows 10 laptop remote, IPAD and android phone remotes on 07/06. Waited overnight and still a no-show.

Yesterday morning (07/07) I power cycled the NUC and Daily Mixes showed up. Played them most of the day.

This morning (07/08) I started the Windows 10 laptop remote and daily mixes were a no-show. I brought up the IPAD remote, there was a pause then the daily mixed appeared and it was different from yesterday. Time stamp would be around 06:40 on 07/08. There was a playlist featuring Vince Gill photo with others.

Went back to the laptop and restarted Roon remote expecting to see the daily mixes and intending to play the Vince Gill playlist in the bedroom. Daily Mixes did appear this time but it was not the same selections I had seen on the IPAD, no playlist featuring Vince Gill photo.

Went back to the IPAD and brought the roon session up, it refreshed and daily mixes was there but it had changed to match what was on the Laptop remote.

So, daily mixes did not show up on the first remote started, then showed up on the second remote, then changed to a different selection when going back and restarting the first remote again. The daily mix selections are in sync now on all remotes, windows 10, IPAD and Android phone.

Edit Update: Going through Daily mixes this morning. Just hit this error:

I’m on a Nucleus and have not seen Daily Mixes yet. Streaming Qobuz, rebooted and nothing so far.
9:30am EST

No Daily Mixes - core on a Linux machine, remotes on Windows 10, Android 12 beta (which lost ability to playback audio after reinstalling… doh!) and iOS 14.7

I’ve tried logging in and out of core, remotes, and Qobuz.
I’ve resync Qobuz a number of times.
I’ve reconnected Qobuz.

I’ve tried playing music and refreshing the page, but no luck. I haven’t seen Daily Mixes since updating to 806, but I probably have not played too much from Qobuz during that time. I’m currently setup with a long playlist from Qobuz which I’ve started at 7:05am PST and will run throughout the day.

No mixes this morning.
I left music playing constantly since posting this yesterday.
Rebooted the core again last night due to Microsoft update.