Learned all - I mean it just doesn’t work?! The sort function titled ‘date added’ does not list the songs according to the dates added. I must be doing something very dumb and wrong…
Thanks, yes, and it’s set on 'Roon import time stamp".
Do you mean the column for Date Added in a particular playlist? This only works if you add tracks to playlists over time, and it refers to the date when a track was added to the playlist, not when it was added to the library. Edit: It refers to when a track was added to the library, not when it was added to the playlist.
If all tracks are added to the playlist at the same time, e.g., for playlists created by Qobuz, this obviously has no effect
Hi, I do mean the Date Added column for my main playlist. I do add tracks to the playlist (specifically) at a rate of 3-4 tracks a week, normally from discover daily (Tidal).
On looking closer I have realised that only 5 tracks out of 146 have a date. All the other tracks are blank in this field.
To add a track I go to the 3 dots ‘add to playlist’ and select my main playlist. The confusion mounts!!!
First of all, apologies because I was wrong above. It is the other way around: It refers to when a track was added to the library, not when it was added to the playlist.
I just checked my playlists:
- If the playlist is a copy of a Qobuz playlist, where I don’t have the tracks in my library, then the Date Added field is empty. This makes sense because I never added them to the library.
- If I created the playlist myself, I always use tracks from my library, and these are shown correctly (with the date of when the track was added to the library).
So if you never see dates, could it be that you simply are not using in-library tracks?
The behavior of using the added-to-library date makes it of course impossible to use this value for sorting the playlist by the added-to-playlist dates. I think there are open feature suggestion threads for this.
EDIT: There is at least this one but I am quite sure there must be others with more votes
Thanks Mario, must confess going to ditch Roon as I have trialled it fro nearly a year. Just not shaking my bananas.
Just to clarify as I think there are some misunderstanding about what the “Date Added” column in a Playlist view refers to…
It is the date you added that track to your library. It has nothing to do with when you added anything to the playlist. And will always be blank if you add something to a playlist that is not in your library.
See below I created a brand new PLaylist and added 3 tracks, 2 from albums already in my library and one from a Qobuz album NOT in my library.
As for reference to the date added, I include screenshot from the albums in my library
Thanks Big Dan, fully understand now. I still don’t like the additional steps required to create playlists. That being firstly adding the song to my library, then adding that same song to my playlist. This seems to have twice the effort.
Appreciate your answer, thanks.
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