Day 16 Music Challenge!

OK Music Fans! Happy Easter! For today’s musical feast I’m offering the appropriately named, The Blood and the Life Eternal by Neverending White Lights.

Hopefully this one is available to all! :upside_down_face:


  • Love it! (5 stars)
  • Meh…(3 stars)
  • Not for me (1 star)

0 voters

You can still access yesterdays program here: Day 15

For those of you who were in the UK and unable to access yesterday’s challenge, I had some success sending a dropbox link to emails or as a DM in here.

Have a great day all!

Well, you really know how to pick your albums :grinning:

So very curious what will come up at Day 17


Whereas I can see this one !

Yes, there should be three of them with this album being the middle one. It’s strange that it varies so much regionally (within the UK).

I’m not sure what to suggest (except that I can once again provide a link to my version).

Supplying links is illegal in many countries so best not to. I skipped on the previous one for that reason.
There’s no way to tell what is licensed in the different territories so just carry on.

Fair enough.

God only knows why I can see these. Maybe I’m special because I’m in the Republic of South Yorkshire :rofl:

Never swung so much between ‘this is brilliant’ and ‘can I bear to listen to another second’ so much in a single album.

The production seemed to vary wildly in quality throughout as well. Some tracks sounded gorgeous and open and others mushed and compressed.

I did listen to it all and may listen to parts 1 & 3 in time but I’m not rushing to do so.

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Promising opener with Theme From the Blood and the Life Eternal but faded for me after Melissa Auf de Maur’s The World Is Darker.

I tend to agree - for some reason I feel that album fell a bit short for lack of focus. Perhaps trying to be too ambitious?

2007 album, I’d classify under ‘emo’. That formula that seemed to prevail - start slow & build up, that was ever popular on the ‘alternate/college’ radio stations for a period in the 2000’s.

Looking at Wiki seems Daniel Viktor ( Neverending White Lights), has enjoyed some success with a number of ‘indie’ type awards & various nominations. Interestingly, can’t say I’d ever heard of this band previously.

Thanks RHG


Thanks for posting this album! It really served to reaffirm my commitment to jazz.