Discovered Tidal MASTER / MQA Albums

I don’t think so. A playlist can be shared and favorited into Roon. I’d assumed the spreadsheet meant that you had to manually add each album yourself.

Can someone make it a public Playlist on Roon?

Or can the developers of Roon add a filter for it?
They have the metadata from Tidal, so I guess it should be possible.

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I’m not understanding this. Doesn’t this only work if i have only MQA albums favorited in Tidal as this will show all my Tidal favorites not just MQA ones. I have hundreds of non MQA favorites.

Also isn’t this accomplished more easily by using focus / format / Tidal which just shows all my Tidal albums without having to disable storage?

What am I missing?

or you can choose to focus only on TIDAL format albums.

Or Tag them as MQA

But I was hoping that somebody that had all of the MQA albums tagged in Tidal could add them to a playlist and then share the link to that playlist on this website. (thereby allowing the rest of us to instantly see the entire MQA offering from Tidal, which could be accessed in Roon through Playlist and then tagged (each album) within Roon) …

Again unless I’m missing something about the spreadheet? @ncpl



Input MQA in the version field until a better method arrives.

Hi Tom,

Come, come now. What you want is for someone to do all the hard yards and then magically the albums appear in your library :slight_smile:

Where has the old record collecting spirit gone !! Hours spent finger flicking through isles of LP’s in a dusty old pot smelling record store?? (oh I used to love that !!!)

The millennium version of that is that you mouse click your way through all your favourite artists in the Tidal app and find the albums that are “master”. Then add to faves.

When those faves are sync’d back to Roon you can simple add a tag called Tidal MQA. Suggest not tagging just “MQA” as that is the same as the tag “MQA” that you get in FOCUS/Format.

The XL sheet is the record of those folks doing the hard yards. You can just review that and go add the ones you want. Unless of course you are asking for all MQA albums found to just appear in your library ?

FWIW I had done exactly what I describe above and added a few hundred to the library.


Hi Nick

What I want is someone that has already done the hard work to share their fruits in the spirit of legal file sharing - the post millennium version of the tape mix! :grinning:

OK - If nobody has this all of this info then I am prepared to take the first 50 albums off of the spreadsheet and share them. If others are willing to get involved we can quickly create multiple playlists with view of making one large playlist -

Anyone interested?



If you tell me how to do this I’m happy to create a shared playlist of the ones I’ve added.


Ah…the mix tape…those were the days !!

I just looked at the Tidal app and how long it would take to add albums to a playlist. It’s horrible. I cannot see a way to multi-select. I gave up.

@ben, @joel, if even Nick gives up, can you please add an easy way in Roon to filter the MQA albums

I think it’s possible that Roon doesn’t do the initial decoding of MQA as does the TIdal desktop app. As a consequence, Masters does not appear in the typical fashion (What’s New - Albums - Masters). Can anyone verify that this is true?


I didn’t give up in Roon :slight_smile: I simply added a tag to use in the meantime whilst the Roon guys get the focus options sorted.

Looks like this (just in case folks don’t know what a tag filter does)

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That Nick is such a quitter!:wink:

.. and I’m about to join in… It looks like the playlist is a no go. Albums are not listed as an entirety and instead as the number of tracks. Getting this info from Tidal to Roon would take longer than searching them for them all in the spreadsheet and adding them yourself.(so Nick was right)

Thought i would check in again since my initial MQA grab frenzy!

The set of albums uploaded is static isn’t it guys? As in we might be discovering the odd one or two now but essentially Warner are not so far bringing through new MQA content in addition?

As far as I can tell the quickest way to reach the master albums is by doing the legwork with the help of the spreadsheet to know what people have found.
There is really no good way to synchronize so you press favorite on the same album that I have as a favorite as far as I can see. Roon sharing does not really deal with that particular problem as streaming audio with TIDAL is optional and sharing needs to work with online and offline albums.

TIDAL sharing might work but you have to add each album slowly to a playlist. not really feasible and with 1000 albums I wouldn’t do it and it’s bound to increase I hope and assume. Don’t think TIDAL has shared playlists to the same extent as the facebook integration in Spotify. Even with all 11 000 tracks added you need to add each album.

I learned some pretty damn quick ways of finding the master albums if an artist had lots of albums.

I have an excel sheet of how my library looked when it only had all the masters I could find at that point in time. It was too much to handle with many single albums from unknown artists. I also missed all my standard albums. Now with knowledge of focus and tags I can have both normal albums and masters.

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I bet you all have stumbled onto the reason why they haven’t tagged all albums as masters – availability in different countries is still something I hear is highly problematic.

Plenty of Eagles albums in MQA Masters now

And Fleetwood Mac