Discrepancy in # of recordings in a composition

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Windows10/ [Roon 1.8 (Build 778) is Live

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)


Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)


Description Of Issue

It tells me that I have 6 recordings.

But, this tells me that I have 9 recordings.

How can I make this sync?

Please check the “Only Complete Recordings” setting in the sorting tab (located to the left of the filter funnel), and see if it is set to on. Try to unset it and verify how the counts read.

Numerous posts report a bug about the incorrect behavior of this setting.


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Hey @Andre_Gosselin, thanks for your insightful intervention :pray:

@Jh_Lee, welcome back to our community - 15 days later than we had hoped :pleading_face: . I am very sorry for the delay.

Did @Andre_Gosselin’s suggestion help? Can we do anything at the moment?