Do roon developers ever read anything in here?

I wonder if someone from room ever bother to read anything in here.


@danny had been posting in the last couple of hours. So, yes.


I created a thread to show responses from the Roon team:

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Yes they are reading.

Keep in mind developers may be reading but it’s management who decides what they fix and change.

I’ve had a bug sitting for 2 years and the response is that it has never reached the developers.


It seems like every time I report a bug it maybe gets some attention, I send them my files and then they just stop responding. Months go by and nothing gets fixed or changed, even in new releases. I don’t understand why functionality often takes a back seat to other things. I love Roon and I hate to say this, but I have never felt like the customer is the priority for Roon management

Edit: to clarify I am talking pre 1.8


The management is involved with the development and everyone at the highest level of the management is also heavily involved in designing and coding on the final result.

Point me to the post…


It’s unfortunate you feel this way… We will continue to improve.

But… a serious question: what do you feel is the priority if it isn’t the customer?

We do.

It’s Sunday afternoon here, on Valentines day, and I managed to squeeze 90 minutes into reading today. However, if I spend much longer here though, my wife may kill me :skull_and_crossbones: :heart: :skull_and_crossbones:


Bug has been there since May 2019. I can’t filter 1/4 of my 22k albums and have even more live shows I’ve disabled because of this issue.

It just rubs me a little wrong when the marketing is about improved search and connections in 1.8 and I still can’t create a new bookmark by filtering on album name two years later. This is a simple break to fix but it’s never made it to a dev.

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yourselves and bringing new customers. This is fine to a certain extent as you are a business, but as a current customer it is just too much work trying to enjoy Roon. I posted about having blurry Artist images after the update to 610. Other people complained about this too. It stayed that way until 1.8. nothing was done, no explanation as to why that happened with the update.

Edit: 610, not 710

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Although I wasn’t asked for it, but anyway… More than a year for this one and more than 2 years on this one.

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Danny, don’t mean to pile on but my experience mirrors exactly what @Matt_Simpson describes. A bug related to Roon Radio and mult-part works which I raised years ago got some initial interest, only to sit there untouched and it’s still present in 1.8 (a fact that I reported back to your team with no acknowledgement so far). It’s sad as I really love Roon, but the lack of interest in polishing the existing functionality does leave a bit of a bitter taste.

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We’ve always designed the product we want, not the product we are asked for.

No UPnP and no file browser are examples of that – “everyone” asked, we told them no. Even if it may be apocryphal, Henry Ford’s quote about the faster horse is what we always believed.

That said, we do listen a lot, but we use that knowledge as feedback, not as instruction.

It was fixed but it was not a super high priority fix, nor was it a big complaint.

I’m not turning this into an “address everyone’s bug reports” thread, but the linking of compositions is a tricky issue. There may be a bug, there also may be limits in what the data design can do. It’s unclear, and this unfortunately has been low on the priority list because there are bigger fish to fry.

1.8 is mostly about polishing existing functionality in the area of UI. For example, the #1 request in the area of UI has been portrait mode tablets and extending the functionality of the phone UI to be a closer match to desktop/tablet. It took years because we had to decide when we were going to bite the bullet and spend a year doing it.


And it’s not just improving existing functionality, it’s often fixing breaks they introduced to the software.

I completely understand punting obscure bugs and never fixing them, but not fixing bugs Roon introduced gives the appearance that quality is not a high priority, making new features is.

but you guys broke our bookmarks and focus queries, tagging and shuffle in this release while neutering a lot of existing functionality by making regularly accessed UI elements 3-4 clicks/taps deeper in some places.

I like the new UI theme, I don’t appreciate that all of the functionality I use on a regular basis got worse.

I’m repeating this, but if you’re going to bury UI to add and remove tags, consulting with user groups to identify how much they use the feature might avoid burying it to the point its now a pain.

I expect Roon to lead on new features. I expect Roon to listen to customers about how they use the functionality of the existing app. None of that feels present here and extending the beta to us to see these issues 2 business days before launch just felt like a “nothing I can do now!” moment.


…and it’ll get fixed. I believe you were arguing that we don’t fix things we break…

See here or wait for future releases:


I wasn’t arguing, I just provided a clear example of a major bug introduced 2 years ago and never fixed impacting 1/4 of my library.

The issues around the burying of features that impacted many of us is something that seems to fall under Roon doing things Roon wants.

I’m being sincere when I say I appreciate you reading the feedback on a Sunday and listening to us. I’m just pointing out examples of where feedback has been provided or could have been provided to save Roon and many of us time and a better experience.

Sorry, I meant “arguing” as “give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one’s view.” and not “exchange or express diverging or opposite views, typically in a heated or angry way”


No, and I didn’t expect it. But the main topic of the thread is whether developers are reading here any my impression is, yes, they read, but once it gets a bit tricky, they simply drop it as the need to “fry bigger fish” by polishing the UI instead of fixing reported bugs. Mostly annoying as I zipped three times in the past my whole library with several gigs of data and managed to send it through without even getting a proper solve of the issues I reported.

Thanks for reading…

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1.8 feels like it went a lot beyond “polishing” the UX. It’s a full revamp which took several months’ worth of work by your entire team, seemingly at the expense of putting effort into fixing bugs and improving portions of Roon that were borderline unusable in 1.7 and remain so after the upgrade (just 2 quick examples that come to mind - making tracks match on the album identification screen, or moving around multiple tracks at once in playlists). So while many of us (myself included) are enjoying the massive UX overhaul, we’re also left with the bitter taste that you wrapped a product that it’s still somewhat immature in a prettier package.

I wonder what the reception would have been if you had kept 1.7 largely as it was visually, added portrait mode for tablets as the one big UX improvement, and put more work on some core usability aspects throughout the product.