Does Roon care about non-streamers anymore?

Wow! This thread exploded!

And it led me to create two new threads purely for fun.

The first one is here No Good Music: Prove Me Wrong! (tongue firmly in cheek).

There’s been so many interesting posts. About 10% of them are added to my library, but that says something about my music tastes rather than the quality of the music.

The second one came shortly after that. The 30 Day Music Challenge. An album posted each day and, provided you listen to it, the chance to vote and weigh in about whether this is good, garbage, or something in between. Six days in and we’ve spanned 1959-2019, country, classical, jazz, pop etc… So check it out under music. Day 6 and Day 5 still open for voting as I write this.

I’m aggregating the stats as we go, and I’ll try to provide a summary at the end of the month (for entertainment value if nothing else).
