DSD ISO Support

There are alternative players that support this :shushing_face:

Wellā€¦ of course there is foi at etc etcā€¦ but since I am paying for Roon I would prefer that the software fulfill all my needs I terms of music library management

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I connect with my 205 by LAN or HDMI to get multichannel and/or DSD.

Donā€™t hold your breath. People have been asking for SACD ISO support since 2015. You can spend your time and energy complaining about this. Or, if playback of your SACDs in Roon is important, you can spend that time and energy extracting the individual DSF files. The former is not going to get you anywhere. The latter willā€¦


I dont understand the problem to make Roon read directly .iso SACDā€¦ like many other ā€œfreeā€ softwares like Foobar. Whatā€™s the problem?
Ripping an .iso SACD (lets say, to .dsf files) takes a LOT of GB in disc storage, specially if you rip in stereo AND surround mode.

My library contains many .iso SACD files, so since Roon is my library managerā€¦ Can I get any justification for this ā€œimpossibleā€ asking?


How about this?:


I was almost ready to sign foor Room, after my trial period, when I noticed that none of my .ISO DSD file was recognised by Roon.

Foobar does it since many yearsā€¦ for free !

Roon ingeniors might wake up very soon because for the Roon price tag, it is just impossible to ignore how to decode .ISO DSD !

Roon, you lost me as a customer just for that, too bad.

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ISO is generally not supported by Roon. You have a bunch of free tools to convert DSD ISO to DSF files (one for each track).

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Yes I know.
This is exactly why it is shamefull for Roon not to be able to do the same !

I donā€™t see this as a big issue; I would like ISO support (not only for DSD, but in general). Regardless it is a one time operation.

Iā€™d like it too

You may have missed Dannyā€™s post on this in this thread which he made over 5 years ago. I donā€™t think anything has changed since that time to make DSD ISO support more likely. In fact, itā€™s probably the opposite.

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What I do not understand is why people do not wantto put a little effort in splitting a DSD ISO file in individual tracks.
On a decent PC ( and I assume Mac as well) it takes about 5 min per album.
As a reward you will receive all the benefits from Roon, as your album will be treated just as any other.
Personally, I have ripped and track-spliited +300 SACDā€™s, and in most cases, they have been set as primary versions (the others I corrected myself).
But at least I know I have the same album/tracks in different formats.

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I agree with everything you say, Dirk, plus the fact that if you use Sonoreā€™s ISO2DSD you can perform batch operations. Just point the programme at the files you wish to convert and it will do them one after the other with no user intervention needed. What could be simpler?

Roon playing SACD Iso files directly. This is a no brainer.


Except that it isnā€™tā€¦


Oh, here you are. I already missed you.


This obsession with ISOā€™s is tough to understand. Everything else Roon does is on a file by file basis. To suddenly switch to disk images in this one specific instance is strange. Especially because as far as I know, if you possess ISOā€™s you must have ripped them. Iā€™m not aware of any legal commercial source of these disk images. If you know how to rip them then conversion should be a doddle.

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Asking here for a certain feature is not an obsession, it is a feature request.


I suppose that depends. I have a request in, which I no longer pursue because Roon and a lot of ROCK users arenā€™t interested. I know Iā€™m right but I also know that I would be wasting my time!