DSD ISO Support

Unlike ISOs, I do not see any groundswell of demand for those other formats in the music world.

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Agree, but it is still the same thing. They are formats for archiving not daily usability.

If companies are willing to “bloat” their code for these types of requests, what is next?

Why do I always hear my mom during times like this: “Just 'cus Jimmy jumps off the Bridge doesn’t mean a thing…” :smile:

Just my opinion.

Sure, in principle. OTOH, the other formats are not relevant in this arena while many of us who are ripping our SACDs and those who have downloaded files from Pentatone would find it valuable.

I sort of agree.

On one hand I feel bad because I want everyone to have what makes the player better for them, and just because I couldn’t care less about ISO, doesn’t mean it’s not important.

On the other hand, I wish us ‘audiophiles’ would stop asking for so many ‘eccentric’ requests of the developers, and let them spend some time actually doing all the things they’d like to do to take Roon to the next level and tick off all the things on their roadmap, to make it a better product for all of us as well as being more attractive for a wider audience.


As mentioned before, iso2dsd works great.

Agreed but I have thousands of files to feed through it. Also extracting stereo and multichannel tracks almost doubles storage space. So, I acknowledge a personal stake in this.

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How is this an eccentric request? Maybe if one person was asking for it, but this is the most requested feature. Sure vertical scrolling request has more posts but most of it is just arguing and bickering. ISO support has hands down the most unique +1’s out of any other request topic.


Please iso support!

I can’t say I’d have the time or inclination to sum up the +1’s across the Roon forum…. and they use ‘likes’ here anyway :wink:

It’s not ISO in isolation thats an eccentric request, its all the ‘audiophile’ WE MUST HAVE’s brigade demanding features that exist purely because other players added them whether they were a good idea or not. IMO there are key features missing from Roon, or need developing further, to make the package better for all its current users, as well as the huge non-audiophile market. Its these things they should be focussing on IN MY OPINION - especially if there is a simple workaround - i.e. not storing files in an unsupported format…


[quote=“hifi_swlon, post:90, topic:1259”]
IMO there are key features missing from Roon, or need developing further, to make the package better for all its current users,
[/quote]care to elaborate?

Not particularly…. :wink:

I’d suggest a good read through of this forum, including the many posts written by the founders/developers themselves….

Unsubstantiated opinion … everyone has one.

Not that it really maters, but its hardly an unsubstantiated opinion. I suggested this very community forum as the answer. It contains masses of discussion about Roon - not least feature requests and support issues - many of which I probably agree with, and many of which (not all obviously) the developers participate in and clearly state they too have grander ambitions for Roon and are working towards a better product- albeit its fantastic already.

Examples off the top of my head are; RoonBridge, phone apps, alternate streaming services, Tidal sync speed, Linux support, RoonReady expansion, ‘cloud’ based core/server, multi-location services, UI advancements, room correction/convolution, meta-data advancements, syncing with portable devices, advanced sampling, plugins, …. the list is of course endless… that’s what software evolution is, and the developers (thankfully for all of us) have big ideas and high standards IMO.

Where does ISO fit into all this, that’s my point, and as I thought I (quite politely) said already, I don’t want anyone to not have the features they want, but is this really high on the list in the grand scheme of things?

[self moderated to be nicer and friendlier, regardless of rudeness]

For some of us, it is and that’s why we post our support for it in this thread. Thanks for helping to keep it alive and at the top of the stack.:relaxed:

+1 for ISO support.

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It’s all about personal preferences.

I don’t care at all about HQ Player integration, but people have been vocal about it, it got integrated and I have been happy for them.

I don’t use Linux at home, but there are a few people out there for sure. Yeah let’s have a Linux version of Roon, why not.
I wouldn’t be going around telling them to use Windows instead, or try Wine or hack up some other solution. But that’s what people like to do in this thread.

For me SACD ISO support is the main feature missing, the one thing that would make me ditch every other playback software completely, but of course everybody is different.

I think it’s moot to argue about the validity of a certain request. Of course there are more important things “in the grand scheme of things”, like RoonBridge for example. But why should SACD ISO not be supported at all?

Developer time is limited, that’s a given. But shouldn’t Roon aim to please as many people of this small niche as possible. We’re a small special folk, and everybody is afraid the devs might be using their time for something that oneself thinks is not useful. But how about supporting each other?

I hope you’re happy with Roon and hope you will be even happier when the feature you are waiting for will be integrated.

I just sit here and and hope a developer will use some of his valuable time to develop something that I and others have been waiting for.


Care to point out where users are “demanding” Roon add ISO support?
As far as I can see, it’s been nothing but those who would like the feature adding their +1 to the mix

Ok guys (and gals?) , let’s hug this one out.

Come on @robbbby, and @music, get over here… And you @mitr, and even @evand - let’s not leave anyone out, even the ruder ones.

Hhhhhggggrrmmmmaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, that’s better - after all we’re all Roon users and music lovers so no harm in sharing a bit of that love.

Now we’re all cuddly and friends, I’d just like to say once and for all - to everyone participating in this topic - my comments weren’t specific to ISO, and I do hope very much that as and when the development gods deem fit within the ‘grand plan’, that you shall all receive your much desired feature which has as much right as any other to be requested and longed for.


Perhaps we need a new thread, something like, your top 5 priorities for Roon.

A lot of my priorities would not necessarily be " feature" requests and most are probably in the pipeline.


That sounds like a great idea, I think someone should start one @Sloop_John_B :wink:

(don’t want to steal your idea)