DSD Playback Stopped Working

I’m not sure what happened but my DSD playback stopped creating sound. Everything looks okay to me but even though the playback looks okay, no sound is produced. PCM is fine. I do get a message occasionally that Roon has lost control of the playback device. Set up screens are:

Hi @pwright92 ---- Thank you for the feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. In order for us to accurately troubleshoot this issue I’d like to gather some more information from you so we can begin to evaluate potential causes of this problem.

Can you please, in detail, describe your current setup. The more detailed you are the easier time we will have assessing the situation. Thanks!


Sure, I’m running RoonServer on a Debian VM connected to a GB switch. The client of interest is also connected to the same switch and is on a Mac Pro running Yosemite. The DAC is connected to the Mac using USB. The DAC is an Aune X1s. I am running the same DAC model on another node connected to a Raspberry Pi 2B running RAAT. The RAAT Pi plays DSD properly.

I ungraded to the latest build this morning without the problem changing.

Interestingly, when I change it to convert to PCM Roon gets stuck on enabling…

Is it possible to delete the device and start from scratch?

Also switched DACs to make sure it wasn’t the problem, seems to be on the Roon side.

Captured the warning, it shows up sometimes when I switch the PCM/DSD mode.

@pwright92 ---- Thank you for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience here. I wiill be contacting you shortly via PM to obtain some logs from you so we can take a closer look into this issue. Thanks!


After the update my Roon server plays 64 but not 128. I don’t convert to PCM because my DAC does native DSD.

@Aaron_Garrett ---- Thank you for your input, it is greatly appreciated. I’d like to gather some more information from you in regard to the gear being utilized in your setup to get a better understanding of what may be going.

Can you please describe in detail, as seen here, your current setup. The more detailed you are the easier time we will have assessing the situation. Thanks!


I upgraded to the new OS-X and my problem has gone away. Not sure what changed but there you go.

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.