DSP Volume 0.00 how to overuse or disable

Hello, need urgent assistance trying override the DSP 0.00 volume issue? My volume control has been disabled or somehow is in operable. I’m not sure how this occurred. The path is there but I cannot play anything via The DAC even not usuing Roon.

Is this a problem in Lighting DS? How can I enable the volume again?

I reinstalled the AURALiC Aries and it’s software, Rebooted the DAC, computer etc…

Any assistance appreciated. Holiday right around the corner and unable to stream any source, via USB: Tidal,Roon + Tidal, AirPlay etc. SSD Drive

DAC will operate in Coaxial to transport.

DAC is Denafrips Pontus, AURALiC Aries

Thank you!



The Roon software has somehow disabled the playback volume on my DAC. Please assist immediately with troubleshooting, work around. My entire guests are very disappointed that I can not stream anything for holidays basically taking down my system.

I googled a former work around for this problem, however my AURALiC Aries had DSD volume setup issues, I tried setup again and it does not reflect disable exclusive mode as an options.

I have been working on this for 2 days now and extremely frustrated after joining Roon only for two months. It has taken playback out natively for the Aries period not utilizing your program as a NAS playback as well.

Please assist as soon as possible. Thanks.

Hi Mark,

I’ve made your PM to the moderators into a further post in the Support section thread. I hope @support or other users can help with the issue.

If you are having issues outside Roon it may be that Lightning DS has reset to a default that is preventing output.

The mods on the forum are volunteer users, not Roon staff.

Thanks Andrew,

Anyone else offer assistance? They DSP volume 0.00 is no longer appears, but no sound. Roon indicates streaming is working to the AURALiC Aries.

Hi Mark,

While we wait on @support, I noticed you have the Airies grouped with the Bedroom. Can you Ungroup them while we troubleshoot the Airies?

Also, can you post a screenshot of Device Setup of the Airies showing the Volume Settings?

Just confirming, do you normally control volume using Roon or does the DAC have volume control or a stereo?

Cheers, Greg

I can’t get anything to play now. No screen of the volume settings because it will now not see the the device. It’s still the same setting with DSP 0.00

Hey Mark,

We’re going to need more information about your system.

Can you describe your setup, including your core computer and complete chain to your endpoint, including your receiver.

Can you also post a screenshot of your Settings > Audio tab.

Cheers, Greg

Toshiba Laptop Windows 8 Wireless setting
AURALiC Aries RAAT Device > USB Input to DAC
Denafrips Pontus DAC > RCA Output no volume control >
deHavilland UltraVerve Pre Amp. With volume control

Dodd 120 Mono Block Amplifier’s to
Salk HT3 Speakers

I also sent you an email.

Thank you

Please see signal path.

Thank you

Could you post a screenshot of Device Setup by clicking the gears icon next to the Airies?
Can you change Volume Control to Fixed Volume or Device Volume? If it’s Fixed you could control the volume with your Preamp.

Another option (to try and get you some music), in Settings > Audio give Airplay a name and try and play music to that zone.

I’m not familiar with the Airies, so I’m trying to help best I can. Unfortunately, with the holidays, getting help with your issue can be difficult.

Cheers, Greg

Mark, If Lightning DS has been reset, just check that it hasn’t defaulted to non-USB output.

Greg’s suggestion of swapping to Fixed Volume is a good one, but if this is affecting non-Roon inputs then it looks like a mute may have been set in the Aries.

Hello @Mark_Presley,

In the AURALiC Lightning DS Application, what do you have the “Streamer Output” set to? You can find this in the Setup > Hardware Setup screen.

In addition, the “DSP Volume” being set to 0.00dB would not cause audio output to completely stop. a value of 0.00dB is actually indicative that the DSP Volume is allowing the stream to pass through without any reduction in volume. However, having the DSP Volume setting enabled will break DSD playback. To disable DSP Volume, you should head to the Setup > Streamer Setup page, and set the “Enable Volume Control” setting to the off position.


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My two cents, if it helps, I see your set up is set to digital output while mine says USB Output. As I’ve seen in your comments above, your denafrips is connected through USB.

Please see shot.

5days now that I have been trying to resolve this issue. It is still there. I have also sent information to AURALiC support forum. I’m surprised that no one else has had this problem. Truly frustrated at this stage…

Have you tried resetting the Aries output to USB ?

Yes, I understand that issue in the hardware setup.

The main problem is that I’m not able to choose the option for USB. The only choice in the pull down menu is Digital Output.

Also the toggle for volume control does not work. I have tried to change and setup via:

The PC core Toshiba Laptop running Windows 8

Via iPad 2018 model


Hello @Mark_Presley,

If the option for USB is not showing up in the ARIES configuration menu, this means that the device is not detecting that a USB DAC is connected to it. I would make sure that the USB DAC is connected to the correct port on the back of the ARIES, as well as checking that all of the connections are secure. A power cycle of the ARIES and the DAC May help as well.

Should the above steps not fix the issue, I would send an email to support@auralic.com describing the issue as well as all of the troubleshoootng steps you have tried.


Hello John,

The error has still occurred with the software. AURALiC support does not have a firm answer.

They have stated that there is an issue with the USB port, and it occurred oth Roon and AURALiC releasing firmware updates at the same time? In any event I do not have an operable system, my DAC is the source. I need it to rim through uSB to stream and or source the NAS.

Please let me know if you are able to do anything on your end to disable the DSP Engine. The toggle does option does not work.

The AURALiC support thread is active yet now workaround has been released.

Anyone able to answer regarding a work around or firmware updates?


Hello @Mark_Presley,

Are you able to play to the USB Input on your Denafrips Pontus using a PC or Mac? This is an important diagnostic step, as it will tell us wether the AURALiC Aries is the cause of the issue or the Denafrips USB input.
