DSP Volume 0.00 how to overuse or disable

Would you be able to instruct me as to how to setup? Laptop running Windows 8

Hello @Mark_Presley,

To get started, you should download the “Amanero Win8” driver from the Denafrips support site.


Once you have installed the driver, restart your laptop, and then once it has finished powering back up open Roon like you normally would. Connect the Denafrips Pontus to your laptop using the USB cable, and then open the Settings > Audio screen. You should see “Amanero” or “Denafrips” listed as an option, enable the zone and then name it. Then attempt playback to the zone using Roon.

I noted while looking at the Denafrips support website that they have a disclaimer about the 5v bus on the USB input. I would check with both AURALiC and Denafrips to see if they are able to determine if the issue you are having could be caused by the 5v USB Bus behavior on the Aries or Pontus.


Thanks for the assistance, it does not recognize the Amenaro USB driver. I have completely given up. 3 1/2 weeks. No fix nor response from AURALiC in the USA or at their homeland.

A post was split to a new topic: DSP Volume Issue