Well, Roon is SUPPOSED to do this, and in most places I think it does a good job of it. There is some bug, very hard to identify and reproduce because you have to fix the issue to confirm the problem.
Basically, I believe that Roon has a glitch in its integration with Tidal in that it does not display Artist search results if that artist isn’t already in your library as a primary artist. Once you find one album by that artist and add to your library, then Roon downloads whatever metadata that allows it to connect to other albums. My thought is that it’s looking at some composer view and won’t acknowledge artist. It does not display the toggle between composer and artist. And the view thus is only compositions, which isn’t a good way to find albums.
I have seen it a few times, never been looking for it and only noticed the pattern after the fact. That is why this is hard to pin down.