Error message when starting Roon Radio from Tidal or Qobuz: "Limiting Roon radio to library" (ref#VJDYQ9)

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What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble playing music

What best describes your playback issue?

· Other

Describe the issue

If I am playing a song in either Tidal or Qobuz and I click "Start Radio", I get an error message that says, "Unexpected error: Limiting Roon radio to library" Then nothing happens. If I am listening to a song that is in my local storage, Roon Radio works fine.

Describe your network setup

Internet: Cox fiber 1 GB up and down
Router: Netgear Nighthawk AX8 RAX70
Switch: Uptone Audio Etherregen
All connections are wired ethernet

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: “Unexpected Errors When Starting Radio on Songs and Limiting to Library Issue” (ref#GGOL6S)