EtherRegen + AfterDark OCXO clock + ENO filter

Continuing the discussion from EtherRegen + AfterDark Master Clock + ENO Filter:

I just added the ENO filter after EtherRegen to the chain & approx 50+ hrs into run-in process. Truthfully, I was already quite pleased with the more relaxed sound of the ER. Then I read about the combination of the ER plus an external master clock which arrives this week. More on the addition of the AfterDark Emperor Double Crown clock later. As for the ENO System, the improvements I’m hearing are subtle with & without the ER inline. Perhaps, a touch more separation and air between instruments & vocals. Listening at low volume may be more revealing. Rich at Network Acoustics sees no reason why ENO shouldn’t improve on RFI the EtherRegen leaves behind. Setup is already decent, quiet & resolving so I may be reaching the point of diminishing returns.

Perhaps a Mod can merge this topic with EtherRegen with an AfterDark clock; WOW?

A post was merged into an existing topic: EtherRegen + AfterDark Master Clock + ENO Filter