EverSolo DMP-A6

Any manufacturer can lie and even do heuristic matching… it’s why we test each device and have our own official list. They all know they aren’t allowed to do this nonsense.

Are you aware of the certification process and what’s involved? Are you dissatisfied with the end result? This stuff takes time because of iteration in the details.

In this specific case, we’ve sent a few rounds of feedback, they still have a few issues to sort out but they jumped the gun. These issues involve very loud and dangerous pops when switching between certain audio formats as well as sync issues in multi-room environments. Not everyone runs into these issues, but it could be very bad/annoying if you happen to be the one that does.

Nefarious. Just trying to cut corners. It happens far more often than anyone expects. It’s why the lack of certification of UPnP is such a disaster. With Airplay and Chromecast, they can’t really cheat, and even if they did, there is little to mess up. Neither really supports the hard stuff in high-end audio.

We do often, and you don’t see customers complain about that because it gets caught before they see it.

We had them remove Roon Ready from the product page. They sent us an apology this morning.