EverSolo DMP-A6

This beggars the question - why does it take Roon so long to certify a product that’s already working the way it should work?

Any manufacturer can lie and even do heuristic matching… it’s why we test each device and have our own official list. They all know they aren’t allowed to do this nonsense.

Are you aware of the certification process and what’s involved? Are you dissatisfied with the end result? This stuff takes time because of iteration in the details.

In this specific case, we’ve sent a few rounds of feedback, they still have a few issues to sort out but they jumped the gun. These issues involve very loud and dangerous pops when switching between certain audio formats as well as sync issues in multi-room environments. Not everyone runs into these issues, but it could be very bad/annoying if you happen to be the one that does.

Nefarious. Just trying to cut corners. It happens far more often than anyone expects. It’s why the lack of certification of UPnP is such a disaster. With Airplay and Chromecast, they can’t really cheat, and even if they did, there is little to mess up. Neither really supports the hard stuff in high-end audio.

We do often, and you don’t see customers complain about that because it gets caught before they see it.

We had them remove Roon Ready from the product page. They sent us an apology this morning.


Thanks for the explanation @danny - some of us owners have asked Eversolo what they are doing to smooth out their relationship with Roon and to explain the likelihood (or not, as the case may be) of the DMP-A6 ending up being blocked from Roon use as a result of their approach to it so far.

I know that Roon do not usually comment on certification progress but I’d be very happy to hear from Roon or Evelsolo with some sort of reassurance on this.

I very much appreciate your comments in this thread.

I’ve asked the account manager on our end to reach out to them and explicitly say two things to them:

  1. what they did is unacceptable and should never be done again under any circumstance
  2. they should hurry up and fix their certification issues with the utmost priority so we do not have to take action that will affect existing users of the Zidoo device they are pretending to be and those currently using the Eversolos A6.

The last thing we want to do is hurt any users, especially when we can look the other way for a moment without serious damage to the Roon Ready program. But they have to act fast to get this resolved.


I was referring to in general not this specific product but you don’t think people would complain if the A6 stopped working with Roon before it gets certified? Also, how do you know people didn’t complain about what ES was doing? Removing all references of Roon off their website came well after the A6 went on sale. I suspect that is because someone dropped a dime on them to Roon which would be a sort of complaining, right?

Are you just referring to the partners page on the site or does your software have a list as well?

the partners page

Yah, and also others in the topic above have actively complained about something related to DSD and HDMI. I am not involved in the details of this certification, but I can tell you that if this was an actual limitation, Roon would not send it DSD because it is buggy.

No argument there.

Quickly, discretely, professionally. Trial by public forum does neither side credit.

As opener of this thread I totally agree with Danny.
I’ve reverted my DMP-A6, because my goal was to use it as Roon endpoint through HDMI for multichannel DSD and flac.
This has not worked (tested with two different AV Pres) as expected (no 7.1 settings possible, no hardware volume control, no standby, unstable at all…) and so Eversolo’s marketing (unique feature DSD through HDMI as Roon endpoint) was/is more or less a deception, which Roon can’t tolerate.

Just reading all this, and I’m also looking for a “device” allowing me to stream native DSD from roon to my Denon AVR over HDMI, without any conversion.
To be honest, please don’t feel offended, I wasn’t surprised about the described current issues and the unfortunate marketing communication by Zidoo. Look at the price… simply looks too affordable to be true :wink:.
Time will tell us truth :point_up:t3:

Just got feedback from Zidoo. According to them multichannel DSD playback through roon over HDMI is NOT supported by any of their devices, no matter of what roon is capable of. This function is limited to playback from local storage, NAS or separate PC.
Again, a hope is gone. Somehow strange supporting all these alternatives but not roon.
@danny Are you able to spread some light on this? What’s so special about processing/accepting DSD multichannel from roon compared to stereo?

Hi Danny,

I have found the opposite that in fact this is Finally a product where it can Natively playback Multi-Channel DSD from Roon via HDMI. This is fantastic. It works well for some people who use it (I notice where you mention it is buggy as some people have this issue).

There are other products that do 2-Channel DSD via Roon via HDMI but I believe this is the first that can do Multi-Channel DSD.

I sincerely hope this feature isn’t removed and I am misunderstanding what you are saying. Maybe you mean that it should work for all and not be a buggy experience as you don’t want people using Roon to have issues which I fully understand. Anyway I love what you guys do (I used to have a Sooloos system back in the day) and look forward to seeing the end result when certified.

When reading of such positive reports I mostly doubt that those listeners put their AVRs into (pure) direct mode. In this mode AVRs deliver only channels that are actually sent to them. No upmix, then. In case they put their AVRs into a different (surround) mode they probably listen to 5.1 surround upmix, i.e. the AVRs take the DSD stereo and add 3.1. Could be an explanation.

This is incorrect. The advertising says nothing Multi-Channel DSD or even DSD through HDMI using Roon as a feature. The marketing is still available on the internet so I suggest re-reading. Where they do mention DSD via HDMI in their advertising they are referring to when using their own internal player.

DOH Chips for HDMI DSD Multichannel

As a multi-channel streamer, the DMP-A6 features dual DOH processing chips for HDMI audio especially to play and output master DSD music through the HDMI Out connection. Except for the support of DSD Native multi-channel raw output and D2P output (PCM multi-channel output) decoding, it also provides a regenerated high-precision independent clock for HDMI.

It is though brilliant that a few people do have Multi-Channel DSD working via roon outputting Natively via HDMI. And I hope this feature doesn’t get removed or is improved upon.

No a user has it working without issue. Multi-Channel DSD via Roon, Natively output as DSD via HDMI and working. Photos posted over on the Zidoo forum on his Yamaha AVR Check page 2 of 1.1.60 over there.

It would be nice if it worked for everyone and maybe a further firmware update will get it there. I love this feature as it is nice to have all Multi-Channel working with Roon with a 1 cable solution (HDMI) outputting it its Native format. Might be niche but very welcome for me.

This is an interesting thread. I have tried a few solutions to get multichannel DSD from Roon to my Yamaha AV amp. I currently use a NUC but that mandates a conversion to PCM. It is a limitation of the intel board I believe. I may give this Eversolo unit a try.

Positive rumours circulating about certification this morning.

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Indeed… comment from Eversolo in their forum this morning.

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Excellent, hopefully lessons learned.

I’ll believe it when I see it on the partners page.


many have PTSD from the HEGEL saga, i reckon