I cannot see an Export option on my Roon 1.3 running on latest MacOS. The playlist was created by taking an existing Tidal playlist (inside Roon app) and clicking on “Add to a Playlist…” option. Now this new playlist (a copy of an existing Tidal playlists) appears in the list of Playlists but there is no export option. All the tracks on this playlists are from Tidal - so I don’t have a local copy. I need to export this playlist because I accidentally deleted the original Tidal playlist. I will use Soundiiz to import this Roon playlist into Tidal. This playlist has over 900 songs. Is there anyway to get this list so that I can recreate in Tidal?
Roon can’t export TIDAL content from playlist, no matter whether it was created in Roon or came directly from TIDAL
umm…these Roon created playlists in are in Roon and not in Tidal - I cannot see the playlists created in Roon anywhere else - its simply a matter of using the same code that you use for export in other parts of Roon to do this. these playlists belong to Roon - and they are a simple flat file with Track name, artist, album name, etc. If Room made their APIs available to Soundiiz then they can do that. Pls add this function. doesn’t make sense to have all these playlists in Roon and not be able to export them to other platforms.
I don’t think he’s looking for the data, just the playlist itself, not the music files. I agree, one should to be able to export playlists no matter where the content is from.
Unfortunately, there are technical limitations here. M3U playlists are lists of files + paths, so they’re not really an appropriate way to export TIDAL content.
Export To Excel could work, but unfortunately, like many parts of Roon (Radio, Focus, Discover), our Excel export feature is built around content in your library, so right now it’s not possible for it to export information about TIDAL tracks that aren’t in your library.
TIDAL tracks that are in your library will be included in Excel exports, but TIDAL tracks that aren’t in your library will not. This means playlists imported from TIDAL aren’t going to work at the moment.
I understand the motivation here guys, so I would encourage you to open a feature request so we can track interest in this change. For now, I wanted to be clear this isn’t an easy fix we’re refusing to implement – it’s just a big piece of work that we might take under consideration if there was sufficient interest.
Two other clarifications:
If the content in this playlist came from a playlist you created in TIDAL, it’s going to be referencing content on TIDAL, not content in your library.
This is a subtle-but-important distinction that I explained in a little more detail here. If you’re unclear @longtail007 let me know.
Soundiiz can be used to import or export playlists from TIDAL (and many other services) but it doesn’t currently work with Roon directly.
Sorry I don’t have better answers here folks – just know we are seeing this feedback and thinking of ways to improve Roon.
Our latest release includes a number of changes to exporting including the ability to export non-library content, a new Soundiiz option, and a number of bug fixes. Please see our release notes for details: