Extremely slow performance on Nucleus, flaky extension search

Roon Server Machine

Roon Nucleus+, Samsung 860 SSD (2TB), files on Diskstation 2415+

Networking Gear & Setup Details

eero 7 or Plume → Ubiquiti Unifi USW-Lite-16; Nucleus, Diskstation and Mac are connected directly to that switch

Connected Audio Devices

2x naim uniti atom
1x PSAudio
1x Lumin U2 mini streamer
Various airplay, chromecast

Number of Tracks in Library

175K tracks

Description of Issue

Server extremely slow to boot to the point where anything can connect to it
Performance extremely slow doing pretty much anything; simple track playback not even obviously responsive to click until a while later, then starts playing
Extension list unreliable; only one extension (unfolded circle) appears infrequently making it impossible to use
Server can’t be contacted quite often; seems to crash a reboot (like just now)

Tried cleaning up database without any success. Tried lots of reboots, no change. Switched out network cables for brand new ones; no change. Switched from Plume 6e to eero 7; no change. Tried screaming and yelling at it; remarkably ineffective.

Note that as of right now, it seems to be crashing very often, too… :frowning:

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Post a screenshot of Web UI system status showing the build number.

Sure. Note that you can see it crashed at about 3am.

Since that screen shot, it has crashed again. I’m unable to get any client to load:

@benjamin - have I somehow left something out that is causing this to not be a support case? I don’t know how long I need to wait for a response, or whether this has been entered…?

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Hi @David_Nanian,

Thanks for writing in and letting us know you’re having performance issues with your Nucleus. You haven’t left anything out - I appreciate your patience while our team works through each thread.

I notice that you have a large number of airplay and chromecast devices connected to your Nucleus. Does the same performance issue occur if you disable ~50% of these devices?

I’d also be curious to know the number of unidentified tracks within your current database. If you head to Roon Settings>Library>Clean up library (do not perform this, just review it) and share a screenshot, that would be helpful. It will look like this:

Let me know, thanks!

I actually already did the cleanup, which may have been a mistake - I don’t know. Hopefully it didn’t delete my actual data. :slight_smile:

I’ll try disabling devices - if I can keep the server up long enough to do it!

OK - I didn’t have a lot of CC/AP devices enabled (although there are a lot “present”). Probably six? I’ve disabled all of them. The only thing enabled now are the Roon Ready devices:

Note that based on a previous thread, I reinstalled the OS, which did nothing useful.

I can’t get the clean up library to display because you’re currently scanning a folder (of SACD content and uncompressed audio) and are kind of stuck.

Even trying to change the rescan from “every four hours” (which I think was the default) to “Only on startup” is stuck:

Finally managed to get it to respond after it crashed a few more times:

I turned off the scan for the “SACD” share, hoping it would make a difference, but it still crashed.

Hi @David_Nanian,

Thanks for the update. It’s likely here that the performance issues you’re facing deal with a current bug in our search index process - which we’re actively working on a solution for.

In the meantime, you could test out using a smaller subsection of your current library, which is less than ideal. Make sure to create a fresh backup before performing any edits.

I will follow up with more information as soon as possible. :pray:

OK. Would that “performance issue” cause all these reboots?

Hi @David_Nanian,

Potentially, yes. As a next step, you could make a fresh backup, and test out fully removing your local library to see if your issue persists. You’d need to perform another library cleanup after disabling your watched folders.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any additional troubleshooting steps outside of that. We should have more information to share soon.

Update Roon to build 1357.

While this improved things a bit, there’s been a huge regression in 1359. My Nucleus works for a short period after reboot, then just stops responding. For example:

This’ll stick like this until I reboot the Nucleus, which will work briefly, and then the same thing will happen.


Please see my most recent reply to @wklie here, @benjamin

Note too, that it looks like it’s been crashing (see uptimes, it crashed at about 3am):

Hey @David_Nanian,

Thanks for the follow-up, and I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing performance issues again on your Nucleus.

What is your largest watched folder currently? How many artists are within this watched folder? If possible, can you please make a copy of this folder, zip it up, and upload it for our development team to inspect further?

In the meantime, could you please reproduce a specific action that prompts a longer performance delay, and share the specific date and time, and if applicable, the track as well? From there, we can enable diagnostics on your Nucleus and take another look.

Thanks, David! :pray:

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The weird thing is that it’s not scanning any folders: I have it set to not do that automatically. So it does it once, at startup. The crashing, etc, happens when it’s basically idle, doing nothing - the last one, as I said, happened at 3am or so…

Right now, it’s working OK, but it crashed 20 hours ago…