Favorites albums do not load from Qobuz to Roon [Resolved]


Les albums favoris n’apparaissent plus dans l’onglet “qobuz” mais apparaissent bien dans ma bibliothèque Roon depuis la dernière mise à jour (buid 1359).

“vous n’avez aucun album en favori” s’affiche même après le rafraîchissement de la page !

Merci à vous.

Imac 12.6.2
ethernet : aucun problème de connexion internet. débit correct.
Pas de VPN.

8279 albums Qobuz et Tidal

Translation from Google:
Hello, Favorite albums no longer appear in the “qobuz” tab but appear in my Roon library since the last update (build 1359). “you don’t have any albums as favorites” is displayed even after refreshing the page! Thank you. Imac 12.6.2 ethernet support: no internet connection problem. correct flow. No VPN. 8279 albums Qobuz and Tidal

Roon Server Machine

<MacBook Air M2 RAM 16 GO, Memory 512 GO

Networking Gear & Setup Details

  1. Who is your internet service provider?
  2. Please list the make and model of your modem and router?
  3. Do you have any additional network hardware, like additional routers or managed switches?
  4. Does your network have any VPNs, proxy servers, or enterprise-grade security?ESET Cyber Security Pro

Connected Audio Devices

Description of Issue


I am having trouble loading my favorite albums from Qobuz to Roon. A window opens indicating a connection problem.

However, the albums are visible under the My albums tab of Roon and the playlists created in Qobuz are visible.

I attach two screenshots.

Thank you for helping me solve this problem.

Best regards.


I just looked. I have that too, exactly the same as the OP. 2000+ Qobuz albums in my library, zero showing on the Qobuz favorites in Roon. Roon Server on Linux Mint PC.

@support - I have the same - zero albums showing in my Qobuz favorite albums page, although my Roon library is still showing them all…

EA build 1358 on Roon Remote and ROCK/NUC Roon Server…

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I also get the error message. However, I clicked on the message where it says “Reload Page” and my favorited Qobuz albums appeared.

Same problem here

I did press reload but the new message was that there is no favorites!

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Weird qobuz problem. I can play qobuz stuff in my library. I can do searches and qobuz comes up as does recommended albums. I was looking for a particular label (NMC Recordings) and something I was expecting wasn’t there. So I looked directly in Qobuz from the Qobuz webpage and there were significantly (pages and pages) of results from the Label not in my Roon-based searches. So I looked in the qobuz section of Roon to briefly see a connection error that went away - sometimes it comes up and stays. I could see favourite tracks within qobuz in roon but not favourite albums. So I relogged in to qobuz on roon. Rebooted the computer, and still same problem. Did the library clean up from within Roon and flushed the Qobuz app cache. Now I am obviously logged in to Qobuz through Roon as I can play albums from my library and partial Qobuz searches, and suggestions come up and play. So why are the searches limited in Roon, and I can see favourite tracks but not albums in Roon, but everything is visible in the Qobuz app ( I was trying to add results of the qobuz searches to favourites then open in roon). Any ideas?

It’s a known issue that has just cropped up, and being investigated by Roon Labs…

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thank you very much. I did a search before posting but only found old threads from 2022. Thanks again. Glad to know it is a known problem and not specific to me!

It’s happening again today, but this time there is no error message and no option to “Reload Page”. Something wonky is definitely going on between Roon and Qobuz.

Um, the reload page icon is showing in your screenshot, and is certainly working on my setup - it’s just that my favorite albums resolutely refuse to appear…


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Sorry I wasn’t clear. The error message with the “Reload Page” option on it is no longer showing. The reload button you mentioned is there, but it doesn’t resolve the issue. :frowning:


The error message is back. Clicking on “Reload Page” on the error message appears to refresh the page (no favorited albums appear), but the error message just returns every time.

Same thing happening to me plus searches in roon qobuz are giving much fewer results than direct in qobuz app

Until this is sorted, one work round is to search in the qobuz pc app (guess this would work in apple), find the album you want, play and favourite one track from the album within the app. That track will now be seen in roon qobuz track favourites, play the track in roon, open up the album from there and then add the album to your library in roon and favourite it and it is there.

Or just favorite the album in Qobuz app. Thats how I usually do it anyway. This problem not that big a deal

My way : I create a playlist in Qobuz - choose Favorite for the albums and then in Roon the playlist appear under Qubuz menu and in Roon Playlists - If I choose favorites in Qobuz the albums appear under My Albums in Roon.
Not perfect but the most important is that it is possible to play my music in HIRES which is why I subscribe to Qobuz and Roon :slight_smile:

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category


Description of Issue

Get message error loading page please check your network connection under “My Qobuz” and favorite albums not show. Favorite tracks and playlists for Qobuz do display correctly. When click on “My Albums” under the Home Screen in Roon, I can see all of the favorited albums.

Roon Server Platform


Roon Server Specifications

MacBook Air M1 2020, Sonoma 14.3, connected to Lacie external drive RAID 1.

Connected Audio Devices

Bluesound Node 131 via bluetooth, wifi 500mbp up/down, no problems with reception. All other internet connections working without incident.

Home Network Details

Verizon FIOS router, switches in central rack/home run, extenders throughout house


It’s known about and under investigation…

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