Favorites albums do not load from Qobuz to Roon [Resolved]

Sure BUT, favourite albums don’t show up in Roon, and searches from within Roon ahow different results to in the app

Hi everyone,

We’re working with Qobuz to identify and resolve the issue. Please stand by and we’ll provide updates as available in this thread.


Roon Server Machine

I use a Small Green Computer SonicTransporter i5, which goes into a Sonore Optical Rendu, and then into an Ayre QB-9 Twenty DAC.

Networking Gear & Setup Details

I have a Comcast Router, and then I use an ethernet connection to Green Ethernet hub, and that goes into a Fiber Transmission System Ethernet Media Converter.

Connected Audio Devices

The Player is a Sonore Optical Rendu

Number of Tracks in Library

1,200 albums

Description of Issue

I had approxiamately 300 or so “Favorite Albums” on my Qobuz set up. That is over about 3 years time. Today, it says I have “no favorite albums.” I’d like them to come back…

My Qobuz page is broken for me as well.

Now nothing shows from Qobuz.

Hope Roon/Qobuz can resolve this soon. :crossed_fingers:

I’m “glad” it’s not just me. I restarted roon and signed in and out of Qobuz to no avail. I hope the fix comes soon.

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Yes, thank goodness this issue doesn’t prevent playing Qobuz albums in my library. :+1:

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Oddly mine are all there on my M1 MacBook, I think someone on brand “A” was reporting the same issue.

This is a known issue and being investigated. I’ve merged your post into the existing thread.

Just to give an update… my Favourite albums in qobuz are now back in Roon and I am not getting any connection errors. However, repeating the search for the label NMC Recordings in Roon, only brings up albums all ready in my library. However, doing a search for individual albums from that lable not in my library in Roon, does brings up albums not in my library. I appreciate you guys are working on this, and something certainly seems to have changed - thanks!

Unfortunately, this is normal behavior.

If you like, you can add your vote here to add this feature.

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ah ok thank you… so I am back to normal then!

I unplugged both my server and my player overnight, and coincidently or not, all my albums returned. I doubt it was the reason, but worth trying.

Nope, it wasn’t the reason - the Cloud service has been fixed.


Hi, My favorites albums have return under Qobuz in Roon. I imagine that the Roon/Qobuz Technical support Teams found the solution to the issue. Congratulations.

Hi All,

Has this issue been fully resolved or is there anyone still impacted by this behavior? If you are still seeing this issue at the present time, please do let us know, thank you!

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Hi, Everything is fine for me! Thank you for the support!

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Working fine here as well. :+1:

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