Feedback Thread - Roon 2.0.30 Playlist Management

Thanks for your work on playlists. Very much appreciated.

One question. Is it possible to shuffle the content of a playlist folder? For example, I created a folder called Alternative Hits that contains a series of playlists one for each year from 1978 to 2023. My ideal experience would be to shuffle the content of the Alternative Hits folder without having to create a new playlist that includes all of those tracks. Is it possible? If not, is there any easy way to create the one large playlist with the contents of the folder?

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+1 :grinning::+1:



Really great work, Team Roon! :+1:t2::grinning:

Most of my Playlists are imported .m3u Playlists. Here are three minor issues, that caught my attention:

You can‘t move imported Playlists in the Roon iOS App, but you can do so in ARC. Would be great being able to move them in the remote app as well.

Sorting order (by name) always reverts back to date of change in Roon iOS app, but remains in ARC.

In ARC, when you go in and out a playlist folder, a white spinning wheel appears in the playlist menu section on top level and remains there, no matter what …

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Please count this as a fun post feedback.:grinning:

Before we had a huge list of mixed up Roon/Qobuz/Tidal playlists to scroll through in the main window.

Now it‘s on the sidebar.
But can be tuned off.

Great job Roon. As a long time subscriber I have enjoyed the software from the start.
A few hiccups along the way but all in all it beats anything else on the planet for me.


Super good, to make it even better I suggest:

  • give option to show on the sidebar only STARRED playlist (and we should be able to “star” playlists)
  • eliminated the crete new playlist from the sidebard, it gets clicked often by error and I think if one wants to create a new playlist better do it from within the playlist funciont where you can choose folders, etc
  • sidebar fonts tend to be pretty small for hires screens (even on iPad Pro)
  • you could evalutate to add an option to MOVE selected songs from a playlist to another one, now you can only add and the you have to remove if you meant moving

I was pleasantly surprised at how quick they move to Qobuz was but as mentioned above

  • Many tracks were not matched but with no list available of what tracks. Of the 2 playlists I tried one caught 391 of 694 (40% missed) and 42 of 65 (35% missed).

The smaller one was a birthday party playlist so was pretty mainstream stuff and I’d be very surprised if all were not on Qobuz.


It was like this since forever: make a playlist in roon with qobuz tracks only, export for soundiiz, import in qoubuz, qobuz won’t find all the tracks…

Stefan_Mauron, I’m a bit frustrated by this as well. This all or nothing approach is not at all ideal for me. I want to see the playlists that I created for my particular profile in Roon in the sidebar. I don’t want to hide those. But I also don’t want to see other profiles’ playlists and I don’t want to see my Qobuz playlists that I created in the Qobuz app for other reasons. I hope this can get addressed in the next release.


I really appreciate the functionality of this release, but I feel like there were some pretty significant regressions in terms of the design and feel of Roon with this release - not limited to the presence of individual playlists in the sidebar.

Consider this image from the Roon 2.0 sidebar against the design of the newly updated sidebar.
image image image

The icons are the first thing that I notice. They look good in light-mode, but there are aliasing issues with how they are displayed in dark-mode.

When it comes to the browse menu, I don’t like the presense of the Tidal icon. It feels like branding and advertising and I wish it wasn’t there. There should be the option to hide these icons altogether.

The next thing I notice is that the section headers are a smaller font and they have been changed to an all-capital letter typeface. Neither of these seem like good design decisions. Conceptually, the section headings (Browse, My Library, and Playlists) represent larger concepts than the items below them (Albums, Artists, etc.). The larger concepts should be portrayed with a larger font. The use of all-capital letters is anxiety provoking and seems to have been done to compensate for the smaller font size.

On the playlists page, I love the ability to group playlists into folders, but the folder icons are unnaturally large, and again the Tidal Logo is present. The folder icons on this page could be 25-50% smaller without compromising the ability to click on them accurately. I’d also appreciate seeing the folders that my tidal playlists are organized into - rather than a Tidal logo.

On the “Add to playlist” dialog, the presence of playlist images is distracting and cluttered. The images are too small to communicate anything meaningful and they’re not necessary.

The Tidal logo is also present - in-line with the playlist names, I think this is okay in this context since it’s somewhat necessary, but it should probably be the same design as the tidal badge that get’s shown on albums if you have it enabled. That would provide some parody to the design and make it fit in a little better.


The last design gripe I have with this release is that the Composers Icon makes no sense. What is that? All of the other icons are easily recognizable, but the Composers icon is too abstract. Maybe just add a Victorian wig to the artists icon? Sure that would be stereotypical, but that’s the point of icons.

Interesting feedback, I agree with some, but not all your points. BTW, the Composers icon is the C-Clef symbol used on a musical stave, and it’s been in Roon since version 1.8 (on the Home Page) I think - so since February 2021…


Yeah, I honestly never really use the home screen anyway for anything other than looking at my Recent Listening statistics. Maybe a topic for another day, but it would be cool if you could re-arrange the order of Home screen to show different things at the top.

Interesting note about the alto clef. Treble clef or bass clef seems like a more-obvious choice, but I’m not going to split hairs over it.

C for Composer, I expect…


Treble clef would probably more recognizable to the average listener, I think.


Please no. There aren’t just classical composers


True - but clicking the C-Clef on the Home page opens up the “My Classical Composers” page - always…

And just to add to the confusion, in the Composers browser, you can show all Composers (and the page is then titled “My Composers”). Once done, the Composers navigation option will show the My Composers page - always, until you select the Show only Classical composers link again.

So the two links (on the Home page and in the Sidebar) have the same word and icon, but they behave differently…


That’s clearly a bug :wink: that should be fixed, and it should remember the last state or be configurable.

Some good progress but still missing some major issues


  • the sort and play feature is a nice option
  • Like the ability to add songs to Tidal Playlists within Roon
  • Adding Playlists to folders is great
  • Cross folder searching including Filters can find playlists in tidal or roon is great

Still Needs Improvement
- Reorganizing playlist song sequence is still limited to a single song at a time. Huge deficiency

  • While folders are great, they are kind of plain… could they have a picture inside them from albums included like in old playlist view? Also the title is truncated… either make text smaller or wrap text

  • With playlist names on the side navigation pane, provide the ability to expand the navigation pane window width to accommodate reading longer playlist names or have them wrap to the next line so you can see the whole playlist name. Currently cuts them off

Ha - I gave this feedback when Roon 1.8 was in Alpha that would have been in 2020…