Note: This is not a request for “deep exploration” of albums not in the Roon library. This is a request for the “fast filter” functionality which appears to match album titles and artist names (in the below example, I have imported the albums into my library).
Currently, the only way to get that fast filtering is to import albums into the library. So to quickly filter on London Symphony Orchestra albums, you have to import 500+ albums.
The albums in your local library are indexed. When indexed, you’ll get autofill happening when you type in a search. Is this what you mean by ‘fast filter’?
Do I understand your request to enable the features of the indexed library for all streamed content? Or is their something specific about the filter function itself?
These are not in my local library. You can see in the first screenshot where it says “All Main Albums” for an artist. These are albums that are on Qobuz that are not in my library.
I am requesting that Roon add the filter icon to that page to quickly allow filtering on the album / artist names, the way you can with albums in the library.
Tidal and Qobuz have a rather large catalog, so an index over it would be large.
And their catalogs change frequently so the large catalog would have to be continuously refreshed.
There is a reason search over the entire universe of albums has the capabilities and performance that it does, and the fast filter operating over your catalog is different.
Google can do such extreme things, but they have a business model (advertising) and constituency (everybody) that finances hundreds of millions of computers.
I am not asking for an index of the entire catalog. I’m asking that when listing an artist’s albums, the filter icon be present so we can filter on the album and artist names that Roon has already loaded into the page for display. This is not the same as Roon’s Focus feature, which is very in-depth and requires indexing.
Feel free to try the filter icon that I discussed, and you will see its usefulness.
Anyway, this is a feature request to the Roon team. I don’t understand why anyone has a vested interest in pointing out why they think it’s difficult (particularly when it’s based on a complete misunderstanding of the feature I described and the request).
Just trying to understand what you want. If nobody understands, it can’t be implemented. It is also possible we (at least me) have a mental block going on here.
I still think this isn’t as much an issue with where you put the filter icon. The filter functions will only work on indexed information. If it’s in your library it’s indexed, and you can apply all the focus/filter functions. If it isn’t part of your library, it’s not indexed, and you can’t use the advanced search/focus/filter functions.
I’ll stop now. Not trying to antagonize you or dissuade you.
Okay, my apologies. I take it you are a Roon developer or product designer? I have added some examples below to clarify what I’m asking for. I hope this helps you implement the feature.
Example 1: Albums indexed in library
Notice that the “fast filter” simply matches against the album or artist name, highlighting it in orange. This is not the “Focus” functionality:
Notice that “fast filter” is not available here, and how useful it would be. Roon has already temporarily indexed some of the information – it needs to to display the album cover, album name, and artist name. This is essentially the same as the search results page, but it does not allow for the fast filter.
Nope, I’m just a Roon user like you. The Roon employees all have the ‘jellyfish’ avatar.
But I understand what you are looking for. Thanks for taking the time to detail it so nicely. Roon goes through feature requests twice a week, I believe. Your clarification will make it easier for them to digest.