I thought it might be interesting to do a forum poll. What loudspeakers do you have (brand, model, make…)? Are they active, passive or full range speakers? Perhaps you could share some photos/links/info…
This thread is only intended to be a neutral poll. It doesn’t aim at a general debate about the pros and cons of active vs passive speakers. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t say what you like about the system you have.
Love that the class A/B amps and drivers are very well matched, that I never have to think about amplification or cables and that they’re superb at low and high volume.
Spendor SA1 (passive, previously part of my bedroom hifi, now likely to be my main hi-fi till I can build a listening room again).
I sold these a year ago and bought them back a month or so ago. They’re diminutive but they love power and defy physics, somehow generating some bottom end out of that tiny driver and enclosure.
Can I suggest a third category - speakers which use full range drivers. The amplifier drives the speaker directly with no crossover so more like active than passive.
I use Jordan Aurora 800s - 2 Jordan Eikona full-range speakers per cabinet - each speaker driven by a separate amplifier channel.
active for more than ten years now and never have looked back. First with a pair of Genelec 8050A (now in my study) and since 2015 with a pair of Neumann KH 420 in the living room.
Some will call them ugly, but I love them