I updated to 918 on all devices today. All of a sudden, when I need gapless playback between parts of a symphonic movement That is split between tracks, there are gaps and the transition is jarring.
How do I fix this? Sorry for typos; I’m dictating to Siri on my iPad. Thank you.
Hi Jason, as you’re waiting for support to weigh in, I’d like to confirm that I am experiencing the same. After the recent update, gapless playback is broken. I’d never experienced that before with Roon.
My setup: Roon Core on dedicated machine (Core i5 8600K, 16 GB RAM) running Ubuntu Server 20.04.4, Ethernet-connected to router. Internet 15Mbps down.
This can only be detected playing-back albums with tracks without silence for the last 1-2 seconds. In these cases, playback stops for a fraction of a second and then restarts with the next track. It is clearly audible and affects the playback.
As my ISP this morning had problems which affected the reachability of certain (not all) web sites, I just now, after resolving the routing problems, tried again. And the problem persists. I’ll post the album which easily exemplifies the broken gapless playback. If you want to try, try playing back from track 6, because there are several very short track following which easily show the problem.
… playing gapless here also … nice album by the way, Andreas!
I really sympathize with you guys, as I like live albums a lot myself and this would drive me crazy as well!
Jason can you please tell me if your copy is local or streaming; and if it’s streaming whether you’re playing from Qobuz or TIDAL.
I auditioned this album today, quite lovely by the way - cheers for that, it has brief gaps on TIDAL but plays fine from Qobuz.
Andreas, it seems that this could be another example of problematic classical selections from TIDAL. Can you confirm if you’re streaming the TIDAL version when you hear gaps?
Hi Jamie. Thanks for taking time to look into this. And yes, this is Tidal HiFi which I am streaming. To answer @Geoff_Coupe I will say that I am aware that there are problems with gapless AAC playback, but I never stream AAC from Tidal nor do I use AAC with my local collection.
Following up on Jamie’s suggestion that his may be just another form of how Tidal’s albums can be damaged for streaming, I just tried to playback this same album from the Tidal app on my iMac which I commonly use as Roon Remote. And yes, on the Tidal app these tracks don’t play back gapless, either. So this seems to strongly support Jamie’s conclusion. I should have thought of trying this in the first place…
This was the first time I have noticed this problem, but since have found some more problematic albums. The worthiness of Tidal as a quality streaming service seems ever more in doubt and, taking into account that Roon only integrates with Tidal and Qobuz (which has presence only in a fraction of the world’s countries), this by association affects Roon as well. This certainly is a disappointing affair.
Thanks @jamie, I think for the moment we’ll have to live with this.
Same here, too… One good thing with Tidal is their country or region-dependent prices. So it’s rather cheap. But on the other hand, what good is a cheap service if it has serious quality problems…
Since I’m a reviewer for Stereophile, I was working with pre-release files supplied directly by Universal Music Group. Unfortunately, it’s quite some time since I was playing the 24/96 WAV tracks of the album—Andris Nelsons’ multi-CD set of the orchestral works of Richard Strauss—and I don’t recall on which of the pieces on the 7-CD set I had this problem. Other orchestral selections worked fine, which suggests that the problem may be with that particular file set. And since I had received no response from Roon, rather than post more information, I simply moved on.
However, now that I have your your attention, may I ask how I change my email address in your system. It seems that my email can be updated only by authentication provider. Whom do I write to change my email address and log in? My old ISP is shutting down shortly. To whom do I write? I don’t want to share my email on a public forum. I doubt anyone reading this does either.
on a computer,go to settings in the roon app, in the roon core box click view account info, in the new browser tab scroll down to change email and password, use email reset