🇩🇪 German Translation: Fine tuning

Hi all German translation contributors,
I just wanted to start a new topic here to talk about german translations.
All strings are translated. (Hooray!)
The next step is to correct errors and maybe refine some strings.
Also, if you are unsure about some translations, let’s discuss them here.


in my opinion it is important that we unify translations

  1. “Playlist”
    in german: “Playlist” or “Wiedergabeliste”

  2. “Queue”
    in german: “Queue” or “Warteschlange” or “Abspielliste”

  3. “Pick”
    not a satisfiing translation at the moment

  4. “Library”
    should be unified

  5. “Bookmark”
    should be unified

  1. Playlist is already translated as Playlist.
    It is possible though, that there are multiple entries for a translation and some of those might still contain “Wiedergabeliste”. This is also the reason why there is a “Common words” list on the start page of each language. I think playlist (Plural: “Playlists” - NOT: Playlisten) is a known word (and can also be found in the Duden spelling dictionary). And TIDAL is using it as well. :wink:

  2. Queue is already translated as Warteschlange in all translations

  3. Pick I am unsure about the best translation.

  4. Library is translated as Musikbibliothek (can be shortened if it makes sense in context to Bibliothek?)

  5. Bookmark is translated as Lesezeichen in all strings.

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Where do I find this? I only see “language notes” and this contains only one “common word”

Ahh, sorry. Let me check something…

These are the current Common Wordings. They will be displayed as a guide when an english string has one of those words:

Album --- Album
Artist --- Interpret
Audio Analysis --- Audioanalyse
Audio Device --- Audiogerät
Backup --- Backup anlegen
Backup --- Backup
Bookmark --- Lesezeichen
Browser --- Browser
Composer --- Komponist
Composition --- Komposition
Concert --- Konzert
Core --- Core
Device --- Gerät
Disc --- Disc
Discover --- Entdecken
Favorite --- Favorit
File --- Datei
File Tag --- Dateitag
Focus --- Fokus
Folder --- Ordner
Genre --- Genre
History --- Verlauf
Label --- Label
Library --- Bibliothek
Loop --- Endlosschleife
Networked Device --- Netzwerkplayer
Now Playing --- Gerade spielt
Overview --- Ăśbersicht
Performer --- KĂĽnstler
Play --- Wiedergeben
Playlist --- Playlist
Private Zone --- Private Zone
Queue --- Warteschlange
Radio --- Radio
Remote --- Steuerung
Restore --- Wiederherstellen
Server --- Server
Shuffle --- Zufallswiedergabe
Signal Path --- Signalfluss
Tag --- Tag
Track --- Titel
Zone --- Zone

Just some ideas:

Signal Path — Signalweg
Discover — Stöbern
Tag — Markierung

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this is helpful, thanks

Thanks for your input Oliver,
I am open to changes in the list:

Good suggestion!

The Intro text in the “Discover” section is:

Discover automatically curates your music library to help you find hidden gems, unseen connections between artists and interesting things to hear.

I feel “Stöbern” is less descriptive and does not deliver the idea of the “Discover” section.
What do you think?

This one is quite tricky. I think I changed this 2-3 times back and forth already. I think “Tag” should also be used for MP3- or File-Tags as it is quite common in audio related software applications. To me it would be ok, to have a different wording for the Roon-Tags. But it would make translation quite difficult, as you have to know which tag is meant for each text-string. :frowning:

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I agree to your feedback :+1:
And regarding “tag”: This is really a difficult one… Personally I’m fine with “tag” also in German…

My suggestion (no direct translation):
now playing - aktueller Titel (or alternative: aktuelle Wiedergabe)


Here are my ideas (I put in parentheses)

Album — Album
Artist — Interpret
Audio Analysis — Audioanalyse (Audio-Analyse)
Audio Device — Audiogerät (Audio-Gerät)
Backup — Backup anlegen (Backup erstellen)
Backup — Backup
Bookmark — Lesezeichen
Browser — Browser
Composer — Komponist
Composition — Komposition
Concert — Konzert
Core — Core
Device — Gerät
Disc — Disc
Discover — Entdecken
Favorite — Favorit
File — Datei
File Tag — Dateitag (Datei-Tag)
Focus — Fokus
Folder — Ordner
Genre — Genre
History — Verlauf
Label — Label
Library — Bibliothek
Loop — Endlosschleife
Networked Device — Netzwerkplayer
Now Playing — Gerade spielt (aktuell spielt)
Overview — Übersicht
Performer — Künstler
Play — Wiedergeben (Wiedergabe)
Playlist — Playlist
Private Zone — Private Zone
Queue — Warteschlange
Radio — Radio
Remote — Steuerung (if you me „Remote Control“ – Fernbedienung)
Restore — Wiederherstellen
Server — Server
Shuffle — Zufallswiedergabe
Signal Path — Signalfluss
Tag — Tag
Track — Titel
Zone — Zone

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Discover - Entdecken

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Even though it is also written in the translation notes, there are also exceptions when to these guide words above. Sometimes it is necessary to take a look at the Roon interface to see the context.

Take this string as an example:

Composers and Performers

If you take the common words (above) for translation you’d get

Komponisten und KĂĽnstler


Currently the most votes were given to

Komponisten und Interpreten

But when you check the actual context in Roon (click to expand)

I’d rather translate it to
Komponisten und Musiker
(and commented why I choose this translation in the comments)

So, when you do votes, please also check for comments. I guess they are easy to overlook as you might need to scroll down a little bit.

If you really want to make a translation- for which people ?-
then you have to be consequent and avoid “english expressions” except there are not or misleading german words/ explaination for that.
So a
Backup — is a “Sicherung” or “Datensicherung”
nothing more or less
a “core” ist ein “Kern” und ein
“File Tag” ist eine “Dateimarkierung”
Aber wie oben geschrieben, warum eine Ăśbersetzung ?

Für alle die kein Englisch können, sich damit schwer tun oder einfach es bequemer finden Software in ihrer Muttersprache zu haben.

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Bitte ohne Bindestriche. Zusammengeschrieben ist einfach besserer Stil.

+1 für “Tag” auch im Deutschen

und +1 für “Signal Path” → “Signalweg”

+1, viel besser als “gerade spielt”

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Habe gerade meine beigesteuerten Ăśbersetzungen angepasst.
Now playing ist nun ĂĽberall mit Aktueller Titel und
Signal Path mit Signalweg ĂĽbersetzt.

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Danke AE67 - akzeptiert
“Software” gibts dann auch nicht, sondern ein Programm sinngemäss ;-))


warum passt Dir für “backup” nicht die “Datensicherung” oder “Sicherung” oder “Sicherung erstellen”
je nach Bedeutung im Text.
Und “file tag” ist eine “markierte Datei” oder “eine Datei markieren” (to tag a file)