Giving up on ROCK - Running Windows 10 on NUC might be a better core for Qobuz

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Intel NUC8i7BEH , RoonOS, Latest stable build downloaded from ROON
8 GB RAM, 256 GB M.2 SSD

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

AT&T BGW210 main router.
NUC ROCK Roon core: directly connected to router by Cat8 ethernet cable.
(new unit, latest BIOS update, Roon OS Version 1.0 (build 219) stable

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection.)

Cambridge Audio 851N Network streamer (connected via WiFi to router)
iPad Pro used as Roon remote, connected via WiFi to router
Dell PC (as test output device) (connected via WiFi to router)

Description Of Issue

Roon + Qobuz work well when core runs on Windows 10 PC.
Roon + Qobuz do not work when core runs on the new NUC ROCK.
Symptoms: With NUC as core: when selecting a track, Roon plays 1 or 2 seconds of the track, then jumps to the next track and keeps jumping from track to track until the end of the playlist.

When running ROON core on Windows 10 PC, Qobuz works well and track plays correctly on PC’s audio output. Qobuz works well by its own app, at all resolutions.

Many users have reported this problem - but no solutions. Network speed gets blamed. But the problem only appears when running the ROON core on the NUC. Run the core on a PC and all works fine.

After many days of reading and dealing with this, I’ve got some esoteric suggestions such as “change the router to Google DNS” and “Set the router to media prioritization for ROCK” but no further instructions on how to do this.

I’m down to installing Windows 10 on the new NUC. Which makes no sense: the whole point of purchasing the NUC was to have a dedicated, high quality ROON server.

This is an absurd problem for ROCK. Qobuz is one of the most important high resolution services. Why cant it work with ROCK ?
Someone in Roon seriously needs to work on this problem and find a stable solution. Thanks.

16 posts were merged into an existing topic: Issue with Roon + Qobuz + NUC