Hardware Advice

1st This is my existing set up
Core = Windows PC i3 4025 1tb hdd internal (X64 windows 10) (4gb ram)
Storage = 1 tb lacie external hdd (approx 2,500 albums - Almost all files are flac)
Remote = Samsung galaxy tab 4
Affected endpoint = Chord Qute EX (usb connected)

2nd Roon stable running superbly seems ive settled down as well !!!

Can I ask a silly question, given my PC config as detailed above. Would there be any merit in adding a solid state external hard drive solely to allow roon to live on that? Will it speed things up? If so what size of external ssd would you suggest? If the answer is yes to these questions do i simply unistall and the reinstall roon pointing it at the ssd

Thanks for your assistance as always

You can run Roon and its library from an HDD, although the belief is that it’s not the best solution. Depends on the size of your library, I guess.

As I understand it, Roon will place itself on the drive where your OS resides. So, no external drives for Roon, it would seem.

If at all possible (since the i3 4025 seems to indicate you’re running Roon off a laptop), upgrading the INTERNAL drive to SSD, or adding an internal SSD, would probably make a massive difference. If you can add a drive, you don’t need something big, but the faster, the better.

If possible, and since you’re running Windows which, in all likelyhood, is more ressource-intensive than RoonOS, you might want to also put in some more RAM.

Thanks for the response’s. To answer some points raised.

Im using a PC (its an HP about the size of a soup bowl, dimensions wise, i bought it originally to save space and its runs like a dream, however from what i can gather there’s no way in can add more RAM, and likely and internal hdd due to the physical size of the device)

Its also running windows 10

So i guess im stuffed with shelling out for a new pc then?

Other than the windows operating system and roon itself it used for nothing else.

Might depend on how handy you are with a screwdriver - what’s the exact model number ?

(going by your description, it looks like a Pavillon Mini, which is upgradeable)

Do note that the entry-level system that RoonLabs recommends for running their system is a bit faster than yours. Depending on where you live, and how comfortable you are with computers, it might be worth it to look into something that’s 100% supported.

Crucial lists a 4GB stick that’ll get you to 8GB for $35, 16GB for $150, then, conservatively speaking and assuming you don’t want to go through the research to make sure you can use the M.2 slot for hard drives, add another $100 or so for a SATA SSD (you’ll want a bit of space to reinstall windows, so I’d say at least 128 gigs, and 256 might be better), you’re at $100-250 to upgrade what you have, vs $370 for Roon’s recommended base system, which’ll give you something with official support.

Depending on the motherboard, you may even be able to install RoonOS on it :wink:

You say Roon is stable and running superbly.
What do you want to ‘speed up’?

Fair point, just thought an ssd would make run faster.

X off the top of my head i cant remember if its the mini or the stream, they both look like soup bowl, but i will check tonight. Handy with a screwdriver, now that open to debate, lol.

Im in Scotland and given the way Brexit is going over here (pardon the politics) i may need a wheelbarrow of cash to pay for that lot.

Over the years I have often found myself hunting for reasons why the “improvements” I have attempted have left me with something no longer in a working condition.

My late father used to look at me and shake his head sadly: “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it”.

It’s good advice, but somehow I’m incapable of following it.

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Based on a quick call i made to the guys i bought it from there saying i can only go up to 8GB, with a 240GB SSD they have in stock total about ÂŁ120, worth it you think?

I had a quick look at the you tube vid link, honestly me getting let loose with a screwdriver in that lot is asking for trouble. Know your limitation my Dad always said. Nuff said me thinks

Andybob, yep probably right but i cant help myself: sometimes joy:

Given that ROCK is £340 or so where you’re at, probably is, moreso if that includes labor to do the upgrade :wink:

Once again, you might be able to run RoonOS on this (if you have to reinstall windows anyway, it’s probably worth it to try downloading and installing it, just to see if it runs), and you might be able to do it cheaper if you need to (with a small m.2 ssd and a single stick of RAM, total = £75 or so, but it then becomes a time + skill vs money equation :wink: ).

You won’t need more than 8GB RAM with your size of library. Only necessary if you have a really large library.

While it’s probably worth trying to install ROCK on it as Xekomi suggests, do bear in mind that even if it works today, there’s no guarantee that it will continue to work with future releases of ROCK. Roon Labs are quite clear that they only support ROCK on specified Intel NUC devices. You’ll be in AYOR territory with the HP Mini.

My concern was more with the Microsoft tax on hardware ressources than Roon’s :wink: . And of course, the “no official RoonOS support” caveat remains (and is an important one). My hunch would be that removing the Windows overhead might help free up ressources, and make the general experience better, especially given that the device might be a little bit underpowered, and therefore give a bit of breathing room for the inevitable library growth that follows installing Roon :wink: .

Thanks to all for the information and responses, so just so i get this straight im my own head, if i throw the soup bowl to the side and bought another PC and started from scratch im i right in saying

An i5 processeor, 250 OR 500GB SSD, 16GB RAM windows 10 (im try to future proof things a bit) would be suitable

Well, if you want to use the new PC for things other than Roon (and therefore need to buy a Windows 10 license), then yes. But frankly, if I were investing in new hardware to run Roon Core, I’d get an Intel NUC and put ROCK on it…

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If you’re going to get a computer to run Roon, you probably really should get one of the specific machines recommended by RoonLabs. These are, give or take, Roon Nucleii in ready-to-wear rather than bespoke attire.

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Ok will check this out may thanks again for everyone’s input


A point that may be producing some confusion. If you buy a new PC and retire the old PC to the scrap heap, then you can reuse the same WIN10 license.

Erm, I don’t think you can anymore. That was true at one time, but Microsoft changed the rules.