Help us rename RoonSpeakers

The problem with 1 installer is that it only makes sense on WIndows. No installers for Android/iOS/Linux/Mac – we could make something, but it would be unconventional and confusing.

I agree it is nice to have 1 pkg and just break up the components into the descriptions of what the functionality is, but I’m not sure how that plays out on the various operating systems. I see it nicely on Windows, no where else. Pretty sure I’m being dense here… help me out?

I like the RoonPlay suggestion. It says what it does.


What about:

Roon EndZones

To me RoonPlay or PlayRoon sound more like a Remote app name. I like the sound of PlayRoon but doesn’t fit the purpose.

I agree with Carl’s post.
RoonRemote or RoonClient both are good. Client is perhaps more (too much) “technical”
RoonZones (aka ex RoonSpeakers) is also good but i prefer RoonPlay for the same reason.

As I understand it we look for a name for a software emulation of a hardware Roon Ready endpoint, like Meridian’s MS200 or Logitech’s SqueezeBoxTouch. Makes that sense? Then I should like a name like Roon Player or Roon SoftEnd.


Or just RoonStream?

I’ve been thinking about the use of the term zone. You use the audio setup menu in Roon to setup your available local or network devices to create a zone within Roon that you can then select to play through. So calling roonspeakers roonzone may lead to some confusion. In typical computer jargon roonspeakers is an audio device so something like roondevice is less confusing to the technically savvy but maybe not too everyone else. Not sure I am helping very much but just thought this was worth taking into account as you think about the best name.

I imagine it would work if you recognize it is really a configuration option, not an install option, so you install the package and then choose how you want it to work. Can even change it after the fact. Requires a UI, but there any headless iOS version.

Or if this is not sufficient, the single installer isn’t really necessary to achieve the simpler description. It’s about the language in the download site or store.

@danny Nobody asked us to rename RoonRemote, but anyway, I don’t like remote, it describes where it is, not what it does. And a zone/endpoint is remote too, so it’s not descriptive.

I think it is a Roon Control.

Note: not Controller, just Control, because cooler.

And put a space after Roon for all of them, writing words together is so geeky.


Something simple like Roon Link as the software package creates the links to each zone


I’m currently on a trial using Squeezebox but all my main hifi is from Naim.

Now if Naim went about adding the ability of their streamers to have roon play to them what would be the best way to get this across to Naim users. I’m presuming this is what we are referring to (very new to this).

If this is the case I certainly think RoonPlay in the best name, but would the Naim streamer be RoonPlay Ready, RoonPlay compatible, RoonPlay Receiver, RoonPlay Endpoint?

My preferences would be for RoonPlay Receiver or RoonPlay compatible, either would be self-explanatory if you had any idea what Roon was.


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@Sloop_John_B The Naim would become a ‘RoonReady’ device.

This is the naming of the ‘thing’ that can be installed on computers so that they can become Roon ‘endpoints’ / zones.

It did occur to me that I may have picked up the wrong end of the stick.
Mind you the fact that I’m using Roon and still am not quite sure what the “thing” that is to be names is indicative of the importance of the correct name.


I agree that RoonSpeakers was just confusing (at first I thought you were making powered speakers that were RoonReady)

How about RoonSpeak?

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RS (that’s less than 10 characters)

I found this TAS article that attempts to address the digital terminology issues.

Understanding Digital Music Systems

If you boy into this the name for RoonSpeakers would be RoonNetworkBridge. A but long bou actually a pretty good secription of what RoonSpeakers is doing.

Roon(n)et then

Or maybe a slight play an words combining the technical definition and the fact that it’s the small version of Roon:


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RoonBridge works as a shortened form of RoonNetworkBridge.

@danny Am I correct in thinking that RoonSpeakers is a streaming target (on a Windows, Mac, OSX, Android, or Linux system) which receives a stream from Roon, resulting in either:

  • Analogue output from the device’s DAC.
  • Digital output to another locally attached audio device, connected via USB, SPDIF, or HDMI?

If so, I think that RoonBridge would not only be appropriate, but rolls off the tongue well.

I like RoonZone, but it’s ambiguous with the Roon Zone terminology which is already in use, and “Roon Roon Zone” doesn’t exactly work…

I also like RoonPlayer and, although it’s not the most accurate description of the functionality, ultimately, perhaps it is a good description of the primary function?

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Too much Roonettes (Phil Spector)