Made it thru the survey, but you guys should already have the features covered in the Feature Suggestions threads. And as for ARC just make it stable.
The survey will also catch those who don’t frequent the forum as it shows up -in Arc at least- outside of the forum. All we know about the feature requests are forum members requested the following.
Forum members does not equal roon users. I know quite a few roon users who don’t frequent here.
Most of those who are here give a decent amount of feedback, those who aren’t probably won’t bother with a survey either imho.
@michael how long does the survey run for?
And you may be right but the survey will confirm this for the new owners.
it’s a useful initiative and I applaud it.
There is „Other“ and you can add your examples after choosing it
I have entered the survey via an e-mail I received today, so hopefully not only forum user will be invited to the survey (no offense to you guys, but we are sure not representative for all Roon users).
I found it notable that the question about whether I use streaming or local files didn’t have a 50/50 type option - only primarily one or the other. I would imagine there are lots of users who don’t consider either mode their “primary” but instead do not even differentiate that much anymore because of how well Roon integrates them.
@michael , there’s ONE huge problem with this survey. Roon starts by asking "What do you love?” and “What can we improve?”, but they never let us answer the questions.
Poorly implied with “Choose a response” predetermined answers don’t cut it; I spent time writing notes so I cold be prepared to answer on the last page (like most well written surveys do), only to find you sandbagged us. VERY disappointed.
I got a free form page at the end and could leave lots of notes, but it only worked well on a PC. I had the field on a phone as well but it didn’t cope well with entering lots of text
@Suedkiez , thanks for letting me know. Many subscribers reported the form kept looping back to earlier questions, so I guess it was poorly done. There was never a text box where I could add any comments; I was using Chrome on Windows 10. Disappointed doesn’t really describe my feelings, I was downright mad. Like many, I’m expecting Roon to improve with this merger, and attention to detail continues to elude Roon.
Okay, I’m done. As we always say, “maybe next time”. Cheers.
Yeah, I had to try three times before it seemed to work as intended
36 posts were split to a new topic: A Discussion about ARC, UPnP and Security Theater
Hey Neil,
Appreciate you taking the time to fill out the survey. There is indeed a question at the end which asks the open ended question you’ve outlined. Can’t say what happened in your case for sure (judging by responses the answer is working). Regardless, I am interested in your answer. Feel free to PM me any thoughts here
@michael , there was NO WHERE to enter the answers to the survey - trust me, I looked. Onward.
That it might not have shown up for you for whatever reason does not mean it’s not there, trust me, I looked and answered!
I think the offer to accept a PM from you is a good way to get past what may be browser incompatibilities.
Finding new music option. . I put music mags and these forums in the “other’ option.
The open ended question at the end was also there for me. Filled form in on a PC, just in case other methods are glitchy.
Have had the same email to fill in survey several times now , even after the form has been filled in and sent.
You’re missing the point. My complaint wasn’t that I can’t get my two cents to someone at Roon; my complaint is that a simple web form should, at this point in Roon’s existence, should work. And the fact that I was led to believe I could offer my comments at some point in the survey was false.
Browser incompatibilities? Good Lord… Come on.
Not much, that I am missing. But still waiting for a STYLISH web-display to be implemented - like the record cover sitting near to the system while listening. Its not that difficult!
*Last design taken from @Joe_Gratz from a tinkering thread
Indeed, how silly of me. I wonder what is the reason for your exceptionalism then?