Hiccups with DSD

4 posts were split to a new topic: Dropouts when playing DSD content to a QB-9 DSD

Any more news from QA or Chord on this? Still unable to upsample to dsd without regular hiccupsā€¦


I have the same issue. Even when 2Qute is connected directly to Nuc ROCK.

I wrote Chord on the subject and recieved an answer:

Hi Mikael
Ok, so as my understanding goes, you are streaming DSD from a Roon core, to a Pi that is acting as a Roon node, that you then have Mojo connected to and using as the DAC.
The dropouts that you are hearing are actually missing data from the file. There is a tiny mute that we have implemented in Mojo when it doesnā€™t receive data for 1200 cycles (running at 104MHz) so that you donā€™t experience an audible click or pop.
Unfortunately as DSD requires such a large transfer rate there is a higher chance of data going missing during transfer!
I hope this helps!

Does this make any sense to you @Eric?

Iā€™m having the above issue with a 2Qute, not a Mojo soā€¦ :expressionless:

Yeah I had this problem with the Mojo and the 2Qute with DSD. I was also using sMS-200 streamer (not Pi) and still got ā€œhiccupsā€

hereā€™s a post by Rob Watts about the DSD hiccups issue
looks it should be gone with Hugo 2 and soon to be released Qutest DACs

I can confirm I experienced hiccups with 2Qute and Mojo but no issues with Hugo 2.

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for some mysterious reason hiccups are now gone :astonished:
played, yesterday, a DSD128 album without the faintest issue :slightly_smiling_face:

nothing was changed, since my very first post, apartā€¦ Roon version (now at 1.4-298)
(Mac mini, OS 10.11.6, running Roon Server -> Auralic Aries -> ISO Regen -> Audiophilleo 1 SE -> Chord 2Qute)

Is there any more news on this? After reading the above post I had an evening upscaling a 24/96 album to 128 dsd without any problems and I too thought the issue was fixed. But then I tried a 16/44 cd rip and the hiccups were back in abundance. i5 Nuc rock > sotm sms-200 > 2qute

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.