High resolution audio from Amazon

Some people want their DACs to handle all the DSP internally, i.e. not wanting the operating system to get involved.

Some people don’t care and that’s fine.

Nobody is saying it’s a bad thing. Some people just want the option of bit perfect playback at all supported sample rates… without having to fiddle with the OS sound mixer settings each time content sample rate changes.

Even the Tidal desktop and iOS apps have supported bit perfect playback for a while now. It is bit perfect playback on their iOS app until you get a sound notification but that can be mostly sorted in ‘do not disturb mode’, apart from phone calls. Same goes for the Roon iOS app.

I’d expect Amazon to sort it but people need to send them feedback.

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But we don’t know how good Amazon’s upsampling is. And for a Chord dac it’s best to have original source. External upsampling messes with their own internal one.

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Totally agreed.

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You do have point in your situation. If mostly listening to 96k files, there is no upsampling. So you’re good. If you listen to CD quality it will be upsampled.

For me, I can only listen to 192k files to get bit perfect output. That leaves me with classical, jazz, and Neil Young :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. Just easier for me to stick with Qobuz at the moment.

If I use my iPhone or iPad to stream Tidal or Qobuz, it goes through my Dragonfly Cobalt to headphones. If I listen to 44.1, the DAC does not upsample to 96. So, if streaming 44.1 from Amazon, I would not object if it gets upsampled to 96 by the Amazon app.

The only other way I have to Stream Amazon is from my iPhone or iPad (without Dragonfly) directly to Bose using the Bose Soundtouch app. I don’t use the Amazon app for this. I’m almost certain the cheap DAC in the Bose is not upsampling from 44.1 to 96. That’s why I rarely listen to 44.1.

Only today, have I finally been able to listen to 24/192 by streaming Qobuz via RAAT to my Oppo 203 and using analog out to headphones. It does sound better than anything else I’ve experienced so far. Makes me want to purchase an amp and speakers.

Your DragonFly is definitely doing DSP at rates above 96kHz.

There appears to be some confusion about supported incoming sample rates and DAC internal DSP rates.

I’m on my phone at the moment but later I’ll try and find more info.

You might be missing out on a lot of great PCM44.1 content… which is the bulk of Amazon Music HD’s content…

I don’t know what you mean, but the Dragonfly Cobalt will not output more than 24/96. Also, I’m not ignoring 44.1, but I try to find what I want to listen to in higher resolutions on Tidal, Qobuz, or Amazon. There is not much I listen to that I can’t find in 96 or 192.

Where have you seen this?

It’s incoming rate is limited to PCM 24/96… as I mentioned above.

Incoming rate is not limited to 24/96. I stream 24/192 to the Dragonfly. I think you have it backwards, but I could be wrong. Do you own one? I do.

From the Cobalt spec page on Audioquest site…

Do you have an LED that indicates incoming PCM 192kHz @Jim_F ?

As I mentioned earlier, you might have a very special unit in your hands…

You must have a special limited edition unit that isn’t spec’ed anywhere on the Audioquest site.

And you must the only person on the planet playing Amazon Music HD bit pefectly on iOS at all supported rates.


I’m playing everthing on Amazon including 44.1, 96, 192. I can’t guarantee 44.1 is not getting upsampled to 96. 192 is restricted (downgraded) to 96 by my Dragonfly and Bose, both.

No problem. I think you have the technicals incorrect but please note I am not all trying to hint this is taking away from music enjoyment.

It has very little to do with enjoying the music but some of the things presented as fact here are not correct…

In the big picture of life, none of this is too serious of course.

Roon downsamples my 24/192 to 24/96 due to the limits of the Cobalt DAC.
Kobuz downsamples my 24/192 to 24/96 due to the limits of the Cobalt DAC.

For some reason, I can’t see the resolution of Amazon albums listed as UltraHD. I thought I could earlier. Whatever they are, they are playing smoothly through my Dragonfly (at 24/96 of course).


Out of interest, what is the LED colour for incoming PCM192kHz (that you are seeing) that Audioquest forget to leave off their site and user manual?

Light blue, because it is being downsampled to 96.

And what is the Cobalt’s LED colour if you play PCM44.1 in Amazon Music HD’s iOS app?

Do you really mean jitter or do you mean stuttering and dropouts? These are very different things.

Light blue also. Must be getting upsampled to 24/96.

I don’t know the definition of jitter but it was jittery sounding just on one song.