Hotfix installation and album recovery query (ref#KYVQ5D)

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Your new Hotfix. Do we do this on iPhone or on computer? And if on computer how do we get albums back?

Describe your network setup

Mac Moni

Please respond

Just a user here, but:

  1. You install the hotfix on the Mac where your Roon Server is installed, following the provided instructions here:
    Roon 2.0.39 is live! [Hotfix]
  2. If the issue you experienced was actually the issue that is fixed by the hotfix, there is nothing else to do. The albums should be displayed again as usual.

Thank You that worked and Roon seems to be working normally again. I also updated iPhone app.

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Before I update iPhone app its screen would stay on when music was pkaying (unless I closed it). I liked that so I could easily see what was playing. Since the upgrade the screen goes off like any other app within 3 minutes? Any reason this is happening?

Is this on?

It wasn’t on. Thank You !!

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