Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
i-Node 2i
Description Of Issue
My question is of general nature: I have the category ‘Feature Request’, but no Reporting for Bugs. I placed 2 questions under Feature Request (a) Bug, that Output devices are not recognised after wake-up from sleep-mode of server and b) the request, that I can filter also albums by my own star-rating only (and not by a mix with editors’s ratings). But I do not get any reply there from a ROON-employee! It would be important to receive comments there by ROON in order to know, if such a suggestion will be tracked and implemented or if such a request is sent into the air and ROON does not read it even.
First: Best regards to the entire Roon-Team! Good Job with version 1.8 and bugfixes go on quickly!
I would appreciate the following: a) Support: a personal problem while using ROON b) Reporting of bugs and c) feature suggestions.
It would be a sign of appreciation to also get an indication if a feature request will be considered in due time or not. Why not having a list of „upcoming features“?
From my side:
a) Need for support: currently not
b) Bug reporting: Waking up my server (Mac-Mini) starts roon, but does not refresh the roon-devices in the network (this means: unless restarting ROON I do not see most of the output-devices). Was fixed in 1.7, problem reoccurs with 1.8 occasionally
c) Feature request: Filtering by star-rating is currently a mix between editors rating and my personal ratings (whatever is higher). I would like to have the option of a) filtering by my own ratings only b) filtering by editors ratings and c) filtering by both ratings.