How to get downloaded music into roon

After building up a decent library from tidal, I have started downloading hi rez music from various third party sites to my iMac. The trouble is I can’t find the downloaded music on roon (yes, I set up a watched folder). Once the download is opened does it automatically go to roon without any action on my part? If so does it go directly into my library or into my watched folder? If the latter how do I view my watched folder?
Thanks in advance

You need to save it to the watched folder directory tree.

how do i find the watched folder directory tree?

how do i save it to that tree

Just drag an drop the folders with the music in them into the watched folder. Roon will then rescan and the albums should appear.

I have succeeded in seting up a music folder in the watched folder section of roon which indicates that the folder is “watching for new files in real time”
However I have download several (free) hi rez songs (singles) from various internet sources and have been unable to find them in my library.
How to I find them, and how do I ascertain that the watched folder is receiving them and adding them to my library?
All comments/help would be appreciated.

I should add to my previous email that I have located the downloaded files in the “downloads” section of favorites on my iMac but am unable to open them. Is this causing my inability to add them to my library?

Hi Warren,

You need to drag the downloaded file to your watched folder. Once there, the easiest way to find it is by the Overview screen. It will show as new. Also, you can locate the artist screen and it will be there.

Can you tell us where your watched folder is located? Or can you post a screenshot of your Settings > Storage window?

Cheers, Greg

And unzip the files if they were zipped for the download.

Greg, thanks for your reply. I can’t even find my watched folder, much less open it and I don’t know how to unzip my music files assuming they are zipped. More assistance would be appreciate

Let’s start here @warren_kice – instructions for posting screenshots can be found at the end of this post.

Hi Warren,

Since this isn’t really a Roon issue, more of a general computer issue, I’ve Unlisted this thread so it’s hidden to the general forum users. It can still be seen by Moderators, previous posters and the Roon guys.

I’m happy to help you get your downloaded music into Roon.

As @mike shows in his linked post, you can take screenshots on your iMac by clicking Command-Shift-3 on your keyboard and it will take a photo of your screen and put in on your desktop. You can then drag the image into your new post.

What we need to do is:

  1. Find out where you set up your Watched Folder. In Roon, go into Settings > Storage tab and take a screenshot and post it in your reply.
  2. Open your Downloads folder on the bottom right of your screen and show me the downloaded files by taking another screenshot. Usually they are zipped (as @dpstjp pointed out). What usually works on the iMac is just click it and it will automatically unzip. The unzipped version will also be in your downloaded folder.
  3. When we know your Watched Folder location, we should set up a folder structure so we can keep the downloaded tracks organized and help Roon Identify the tracks/albums. That would mean creating a folder with the Artist name, then in that folder, another folder with the name of the album. I will help you with this as we go.

So, if you can provide the screenshots, we can go from there.

Cheers, Greg

Thanks Greg. I think I have worked it all out. I talked to a sales person at acoustic sounds who walked me through the basic steps. What I didn’t realize was that I could drag the downloaded music to my music folder which was set up in my watch folder. I very much appreciate your willingness to help

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I should have added to my previous reply that I could not find a download folder at the bottom right of my screen (settings/storage) Also I could not find an overview tab. Any help would be appreciated

Hi Warren,

Sorry, I missed your reply. In future, make sure you either click Reply in my post or type @greg, so that I’ll get notified.

To answer your questions:

I meant the download folder at the bottom right of your Mac desktop. See pic:

We need to know your Watched Folder location. Mine is /volumes/Roon Music/Music/Artists. Mine looks like this because I have an attached hard drive. If your hard drive is internal, it’ll probably start with /users/warren/… See below:

You can find the Overview Screen by clicking the 3 line icon at the top left of the Roon screen and selecting Overview at the top. See here:

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Cheers, Greg