How would I use a VPN to see my Roon Library from Tablet?

How would I use a VPN to see my Roon Library from Tablet?

I think a solution to have music wherever there is Wifi is to tunnel to your server. This way Roon on a tablet could access the server and Tidal accounts.

Is this possible? If so, how would one execute this?


Someone did report using VPN successfully a few weeks ago. Try a search for that (assuming it wasn’t you of course)


Searching… nope not me :smiley:

Just so you know I can’t playback to the remote app. Private udio devices have no names and when you hit the gear nothing happens.

When I get back on wifi at home all is well again, so the communication through vpn isn’t 100% or at least it isn’t for me.

Thanks for going out of your house and testing this. I am sure there will be a way.

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