I noticed that lifetime price Increased!

I’m going to close out this topic because I’ve created this one with a proper message from us instead:

I have tried to address all the feedback from this topic over there, so thank you for the questions and comments.

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It wasn’t just music.
I remembered where I saw it, it was a New York Times article about how the internet turned out to be a cesspool and we have to pay to avoid the bad stuff.
You can read it here — if you have paid for the New York Times paywall:

Online Cesspool Got You Down? You Can Clean It Up, For a Price

And now? Well, check your credit-card statement. Today’s internet is full of premium subscriptions, walled gardens and virtual V.I.P. rooms, all of which promise a cleaner, more pleasant experience than their free counterparts. The pay walls have been rebuilt, and the artists no longer work for tips. Hundreds of millions of people shell out for Netflix accounts, Patreon podcasts, Twitch streams, Spotify and news subscriptions. The average American spent more than $1,300 on digital media last year. Even Hulu pulled the plug on its free tier in 2016, giving users the choice of paying $7.99 a month or watching “Ugly Betty” elsewhere.