I want to completely clear my Library and start over

Roon Core Machine

I am running Roon on a MacBook Air M1 on Big Sur. My streamer is
a Nucleus. I have all my files on an external HD. I have a Lifetime membership. There’s just too much stuff in my library, and Roon simply can’t find anything I ask it to find. I want to wipe my library clean and then add material as I wish.

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

Why are you not using your Nucleus for your Roon core?

Sorry, I am using nucleus. The Hard Drive is connected to one of its 2 USB jacks. I have absolutely no problem with the sound. Many thanks for responding.

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These steps should work:

Basically, shutdown Roon Server via the web UI, rename your database folder by accessing your Nucleus from a Windows PC or Mac, and then start it back up. It will create a new database folder with everything reset.

Thanks for your reply. Was there any more to it. This is how your first paragraph ended: “If you’ve not been running Roon for long, it may be easier to just let it re-analyze your music collection and start fresh. The g…”

Hi @Bob88 ,

The easiest way to clear out your Nucleus database is by using the Web Interface:

Hope this helps!

Many thanks. That seems easy enough.

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