In case this helps someone: installing roon on fedora 34

Hi, I’ve just setup roon on a brand new install of fedora 34 “workstation”.

Pre-requisite - install ffmpeg like this:
sudo dnf -y install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
sudo dnf -y install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
sudo dnf -y install ffmpeg

then run the easy script, i.e.
curl -O
chmod +x
sudo ./

then this is the bit that had me stumped for a bit, but solved it:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/roonserver.service
find where it says:
change to
ExecStart=/bin/bash /opt/RoonServer/

now restart the service
systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service roonserver start
and finally check it’s working
systemctl status roonserver
and it should be good i.e. last bit of output says “running”

hope this helps someone.
regards Robert


Or you can edit /opt/RoonServer/ and change /bin/bash to /usr/bin/bash

this is the SELinux issue that was pointed out earlier in this response. In a nutshell, you need to allow RoonServer in SELinux:

sudo restorecon -rv /opt/RoonServer

and restart the service, it will not require modifications in either the shell script or the roonserver.service file.

I have basically the same script as you did and I feed it into a virtual machine manager, I can post my Fedora 34 updated setup, hopefully over the weekend.

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I tested and updated my fedora setup script, you can find it here:

if you’re interested in running the virtualized environment just go to the top of the repo and follow the readme from there.


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Im stumped I cant get this to run on Fedora 36. It was up and running and no clue what happened but Now I cant even uninstall it and try and start from scratch.


I run Fedora 39 and I change the settings to bin/bash/opt…
But I dont know how to save the new line (see my screen shot) in order to run the new program settings.
I’m definitely a beginner with linux.

You are using nano editor, so press Ctrl and x to exit, then y to save at the prompt.

Hi, I am back again because I bought a new PC and I have a new issue: see screenshot.

Thanks for your help!

I’d say that something inside of is triggering this for some reason. Check the script against the reality of your installation, check for Roon log files, check your system logs to troubleshoot further.

Sorry but I don’t understand the sentence:“check the script against the reality of your installation”
I need a very detailed procedure. I’ve been looking in the web stuff like : run “journalctl” command, but then what should I look for?

It means look what’s called in the script and go check if the file is actually there.

When I look at my service file (for Roon Server, not Roon Bridge but I don’t think that matters much) for example, there is no /bin/bash for exec. I don’t know why you added that (you may still have to deal with SELinux and if properly done the service file should work without modification). Furthermore:


This looks like a typo to me. Wasn’t there supposed to be a space in there somewhere? As I don’t run Roon Bridge on my CentOS system, I can’t check the commands inside its for you. Please check yourself if the commands called inside point at the right places.

Thanks! I found the problem. Actually I didn’t have to move the file (opt/roonbridge) but I must deal with the SELinux!