Incorrect image orientation displayed in Roon (ref#TD3GYN)

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I see incorrect data in Roon

Some images in Roon are showing in incorrect orientation. See attached screenshot (if I can still attach screenshots here). The image shows correctly in Windows explorer, but is 90 degrees off in Roon. Rescanning the album in Roon doesn't change it.

The image probablt has the wrong orientation and Windows is rotating it to display correctly … Roon doesn’t do this. So, you’ll need to rotate it using an image editor and then re-upload.

If I open it in an image editor (e.g. Photoshop), it shows the same orientation as in Windows Explorer, so there is nothing to correct.

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Thanks, I’ll take a look. With all those posts you would have thought it would have been fixed by now!

There is nothing to fix. Your images seem to be in the wrong orientation. While some other software may use metadata embedded in your images to rotate them for display, Roon is obviously only reading in the images as is, ignoring metadata orientation hints. Based on older threads, this seems to be the intended behavior. Please create a feature request if you want Roon to change its behavior (no guarantee this feature gets ever implemented though). In the meantime, it would help if you could adapt your image acquiring process to account for this known behavior and use tools (if needed) that actually rotate the image and not just change its metadata.

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And after that, you may find it helpful (you may not too) to try Settings > Setup > Clear image cache. Good luck!


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