Intermittent connection issue between Nucleus One and phone (ref#KXKFTM)

Is Roon Server running?

· Yes, Roon Server is turned on and running.

What do you see on your screen?

· "Waiting for your Roon Server"

What happens if you press the "Select a different Roon Server" button?

· I don't see Roon Server.

Please try to restart your Roon Server by closing the Roon app in the taskbar or rebooting your Roon Server machine.

· No, the issue remains the same

Please try to restart your network setup by unplugging, waiting 30 seconds and then replugging in your networking gear.

· No, the issue remains the same

Please select how you've connected your Roon Server to the internet

· Roon Server is connected by *Ethernet*

Have you checked your firewall settings to ensure that Roon is allowed through?

· Roon still won't connect even after checking this aspect

Have you verified that Roon Server is on the same subnet as your Remotes?

· My Remotes and Server are on the same subnet and I still can't connect

Sometimes the issues can be resolved with a reinstall of your Roon Remote app. Let's try to perform a reinstall and see if it helps.

· I've reinstalled the Roon Remote but it did not help

What is the operating system of your Roon Server host machine?

· *Nucleus*

Select any of the following components that are present in your local network setup

· None of the above

Describe the issue

I have set up my Roon Nucleus One and successfully connected it to my windows laptop and there are no issues with that. However, I can't keep the connection to the server on my phone.
I first thought it had to do with my laptop still having a server on it but after deleting that the issue remained.
It will connect after turning the Nucleus on and off, and same for the router but after a few minutes it can't find it. I will add that the RoonArc app does a have a stable connection on my phone. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.

Describe your network setup

The Nucleus is connected via ethernet to my router, the model is Eir fiber box 1A 1.0

![1000008569|223x500](upload://foORIkTElgp68pF1FTRlLUcPSNA.jpeg) ![1000008569|223x500](upload://foORIkTElgp68pF1FTRlLUcPSNA.jpeg)

Hi @markbrennan2000,
Thanks for reaching out to us about this issue.

Does the connection tend to fail after the phone is locked and then unlocked or when you background the Roon app? Some users have noticed that these symptoms are caused by power saving settings on the phone. Please check if that is the case here. If it is you should be able to change your phone settings to allow Roon to be exempt from power save mode.

Hi Daniel, I actually did have battery optimisation on however, after turning it off the issue still remains. It loses connection when I exit the app and open it again. I will add that the colour of the lan port on the Nucleus is orange, maybe signalling low connection? I wouldn’t have thought so though as my Internet is good in all other uses.

Hi @markbrennan2000,

Thanks for your response. Here’s what we recommend from here:

  1. There is a RoonServer instance installed on the laptop that has pinged our servers. It’s entirely possible that the phone has attempted to connect to this RoonServer instance instead of the Nucleus after installing Roon. On the Windows laptop, you’ll need to *navigate to your RoonServer Database Location and delete the folder named RoonServer. Keep the folder named “Roon.” This should keep the GUI portion (Roon itself) installed while uninstalling the unnecessary background server (RoonServer), which performs the same function as the Nucleus.

  2. Now that you have one RoonServer on your network (the Nucleus) instead of two (Nucleus and Windows RoonServer), let’s take a look at the Nucleus’s WebUI. You can access this from any browser on a computer or phone on your network by following the instructions in the previous link.

Do you see any errors with the Nucleus One in the web administration page? Look at the IP address in particular - is it on the same subnet as the rest of your Roon devices?

Please paste a screenshot of the Web Administration Page here.

Do you have any additional network hardware in your setup other than the Eir fiber box? What about mesh nodes, second routers, or managed switches? These might be blocking discovery requests from the Nucleus to the rest of the network, so please let us know the models and their relative configuration to the rest of your Roon devices if relevant. Thanks!

Hi Conor,

I have now deleted the RoonServer folder and have confirmed the subnet is the same for the Nucleus and phone. However the phone is still not keeping connection. I have an old phone that connects easier and for longer but will also lose connection. I will add that the app on the old phone displays the number of Artists, albums, tracks and composers in my collection just below the Hi, Mark on the home screen. The app on my current phone doesn’t show that.

The only other network hardware in use that I know of is a Huawei OptiXstar HG8010Hv6 GPON terminal.

Hey @markbrennan2000,

Sorry to hear your issues persist! Could you please reproduce the disconnect and share a more specific timestamp (date, time,) and if applicable, name of track playing wihen the disconnect occurs?

From there, we’ll request both a Nucleus diagnostic report as well as a Roon mobile app report from your affected mobile device.

We’ll be on standby for your reply, thank you! :+1:

Thanks for your response. The first screenshot (17:47) is when I connected after rebooting the N1. I then just closed my phone and didn’t play anything. The second screenshot (17:54) is when I opened my phone after closing it at 17:47. Date is 27/02/25. Hopefully this helps.

Hi @markbrennan2000,
Unfortunately our system isn’t able to see your Nucleus in order to request the diagnostics. Can you please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs from your Nucleus to our File Uploader?

Hi Daniel, after reading the instructions from the link I am a bit confused on how to access log files from my Nucleus.

This what I get when I search \NUCLEUS\Data in the explorer tab. Can I get some further guidance please?

Hey @markbrennan2000,

So close! It would technically be \\NUCLEUSONE\Data

It’s odd we’re not seeing your Nucleus tied to your admin, though.

Where is this in your network chain? Can you bypass all gear and get a direct ethernet connection from your Nucleus to your primary router?

It may be good to give your router a reboot as well, and let me know if that changes any behavior. We’ll be on standby for your reply! :raised_hands:

Thanks for the reply. I have uploaded the log files. I think the Huawei OptiXstar HG8010Hv6 GPON terminal is the first device in the network chain. The N1 is connected to the router via ethernet. I took a picture of the three devices, hopefully that helps clarify things.

Hi @markbrennan2000 ,

We looked over the files you submitted, but the .zip file appears to be empty. Are you able to try to re-upload them? If you can try to use another Ethernet cable between your router and Nucleus, that may help it show up on our end (in case there are issues with the current Ethernet cable). It’s very strange that the DNS on your Web Interface is showing up as, I would expect to see a proper DNS there. Rebooting your router and then Nucleus may also help, so please give that a try if you haven’t yet.

Thank you for the reply. I have re-uploaded the log files. I have also switched ethernet cable and rebooted the router and N1 with no improvements.

Hey @markbrennan2000,

Since that didn’t help, lets test out manually changing your DNS settings from the webUI of your Nucleus.

Here’s a step-by-step on how to change the DNS settings on your Nucleus:

Open a web browser on a device connected to the same network as your Nucleus.

  1. Enter the IP address of your Nucleus in the address bar.
  • If you don’t know the IP address:
    • Open the Roon app.
    • Go to Settings > Setup > Find Nucleus.
    • Note the IP address shown for the Nucleus.
  • Alternatively, use http://nucleus.local/ (on macOS or Windows with Bonjour installed).
  • Log into the Web Interface:
  1. Once the web page loads, you’ll see the Nucleus web administration interface.
  • Change the DNS Settings:
  • Scroll down to the Networking section.
  • If the Nucleus is using DHCP:
    • Note that you cannot directly edit DNS settings under DHCP. You will need to switch to a static IP to specify custom DNS servers.
  1. Switch to a Static IP:
  • Click on the Configure or Edit option under networking.
  • Enter the current network settings for your Nucleus (IP address, subnet mask, gateway) manually. These can often be found in your router’s settings or your current DHCP lease information.
  • Specify Custom DNS Servers:
    • Add DNS servers in the relevant fields. Common choices:
      • Google DNS: and
      • Cloudflare DNS: and
      • OpenDNS: and
  • Save and Apply Changes:
  • Click Save or Apply to confirm your new settings.

Restart the Nucleus (make sure Roon Server is stopped) and let me know if you continue to experience issues.

We’ll be on standby for your reply! :+1:

Thank you for the response. I have made the DNS and the issues persist. I will add that at the start of streaming the first one or two tracks will skip once or twice.

Hey @markbrennan2000,

Sorry to hear that didn’t help - could you please share a more specific date / time or name of track the next time you run into a connection drop out?

We’ll be awaiting your reply - thank you! :+1:

While listening to Jeremy’s Storm by Tame Impala about a minute into it it skipped to the next track. 7th March at 19:45.

Hi @markbrennan2000,
We requested a diagnostics report from your Roon server so we could investigate the timestamp that you provided but it was unable to complete. Can you please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?

Hi Daniel, I’ve uploaded a set of log files. I rebooted the Nucleus between the song skipping and uploading the files, I’m not sure if that would have altered the data.

Hi @markbrennan2000,

Thanks for the timestamp!

We’re seeing the failure in the logs you’ve sent over occurring due to a poor network connection, and repeated dropouts:

Trace: [Broker:Transport] [Poly] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 4:04/5:28] Jeremy's Storm - Tame Impala
Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Chord Poly @] [raatclient] GOT [33] {"status":"Dropout","samples":22050}
Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Chord Poly @] [raatclient] GOT [33] {"status":"Dropout","samples":22050}
Warn: [Worker (4)] [Poly] [zoneplayer/raat] Too many dropouts (>3s dropped out in the last 30s). Killing stream
Trace: [Worker (4)] [Poly] [zoneplayer/raat] too many dropouts. stopping stream
Warn: [Broker:Transport] [zone Poly] Track Stopped Due to Slow Media

For this, I’d investigate how your Chord Poly is connected to your network, and see if you’re able to allocate additional bandwidth to the device.