Introducing RoPieee - A RoonBridge-to-go image for the Raspberry Pi

When the endpoint reboots roon stops playing…that’s annoying if you are running in equipment

Absolutely but what manual rebooting request is this? Who requested it and why? There shouldn’t be any need now, no?

Oh for running in equipment you are referring to the 24 hourly scheduled reboot, just to be clear yes?

Yes the forced reboot

Hi volpone, I’m certainly not the lightning bolt expert but I wish I was so I could help you :cry:

I only read the comments by Pi Engineers that I linked earlier where they mention it’s an under voltage indicator and I followed their advice and removed the unnecessary thin wiring which they say may cause the voltage drop, between the iPower 5V and the Pi3 - and that fixed it.

Are you using a 5Vdc splitter cable or using the ribbon cable that comes with the 7" screen?

Do you have the official Pi charger? It’s 5.1V, where that extra 0.1V is to account for potential voltage drops.

Is there anything else between the iPower’s output connector and your Pi3’s microUSB port? Extender cable? In line switch?

6 posts were split to a new topic: Powering Raspberry Pi 3 & Touchscreen

The 1.1A PSU is an old Nokia wallwart that came with a Lumia 800. The 2.5A is a Microsoft phone charger…

@spockfish Harry is it possible to support zones with spaces (and maybe other characters) in the name?

I have a few zones with similar names like Oppo HA-1 and Opp Sonica and I tried a hyphen (-) between but that didn’t work.

Yes that’s on the list.

The reboot issue I have worked around by plugging in the DAC’s to my ROCK core and just using the LCD to display for whichever zone I want.

SWMBO is complaining bedroom got no decent sound now…“pitiful for a DIY audiophile” she noted :blush: so I need to address testing the display and rebooting it at a time perhaps when the bedroom is not is use…and hope there are no surprises :open_mouth:

Also thanks for @dabassgoesboomboom for clearing this up. There’s no ‘reboot issue’, other that you want to be able to disable it :wink:

Anyways, it’s on the list.


I had some drama trying to get audio out of the IQAudIO DigiAMP+ again…after a cold start from moving the unit back to the bedroom…roon thought its playing, lcd indicated playing but no sound…so did another reselect of the hat and commit and after that it seems to be OK.

Ill keep an eye on it…also changed the reboot time to 15:04 so it I hope won’t go off the rails in the early hours the morning.

Re disabling the HDMI…is it possible to make that optional and have support for HDMI audio (at least in Beta) for those that only have HDMI as an option on say an AVR?

A closeup of the old man’s Digi+ Pro feeding his Denon 4520.

Don’t freak out at the track title displayed here Harry. Nothing wrong with Ropieee - That’s actually the track title :scream: :laughing:

Can’t wait till the display develops slowly over time, hopefully with larger covert art later. No rush at all. You deserve a rest and break from this gruelling beta phase.

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Just thought I’d jump in to say I’ve now got e Ropieee zones all running the beta, albeit only one with a touch screen . All seem stable

One , the one with the screen, with a hi end DAC on the end and even fancier amps and speakers
The second with a Allo Bass and Allo Amp into two pair of speakers
The third with a cheap Pi Zero DAC into a small cheapo Chinese amp and speakers.

Overall cost around £200, including decent power supplies replacing around £1200 of Sonos kit.

Very happy chap and wife. Anyone want to buy some Sonos kit ?


@spockfish Harry could I request a rather important feature for this running with HAT’s that have pre out direct to active speakers or HAT AMPS

A set volume to XX at boot up - I just lost power on my RPi and when it came back online I hit play - it was playing nicely at about 26% on the volume but when it returned from a crash boot it was at 100% and I just managed to get it down before the music hit me at full bore :open_mouth:

Hmmm… Yeah. That’s not what you want indeed.

Problem is that I don’t have an HAT with AMP here. So I need to first get one…

Same issue for any DAC with pre/RCA outputs that goes direct to powered speakers or even driving headphones

He guys,

As this beta period with respect to screen is about to end (I really, really want to make this part of the production version of RoPieee, it makes live for me a little bit easier) I’m thinking were to next.

I want to do something with the screen (layout) first and I’m wondering… Is the general consensus here that @dabassgoesboomboom’s call for ‘as much cover art as possible’ is what we want? It would mean that the controls can’t be placed centered but will move to a side.

I’m pretty sure there are more wishes, but first I want to get this screen layout clear.

Thanks for your feedback!

It’s a difficult balance, but personally, I would prefer:

  • somewhat larger cover art (although I realise this has an impact on the amount of text that can be displayed - which is an issue for Classical music in particular)
  • the circle round the Play/Pause to be thinned to match Roon’s icon
  • the onscreen clock to be removed (or at least an option to remove it) from the “Now Playing” screen

@spockfish There is still an issue with IQAudio DAC-PRO and Pi-AMP+ HAT together… seems as a combo the MUTE light doesn’t go off…so its probably a similar issue to that of the DigiAMP+

as per the PDF @Gordon_Garrity As I got this with DAC-PRO I assume they work together.

“The Pi-AMP+ is an add-on accessory for the Pi-DAC+ and Raspberry Pi.
The Pi-AMP+ takes the variable output analog audio from the Pi-DAC+ and through the onboard Texas Instruments TPA3118D2 Class D amplifier delivers audio to the Pi-AMP+’s speaker terminals delivering up to 2x35w@19v input.
The Pi-AMP+ requires a 12–19volt power source to operate. Power should be applied via the Pi-AMP +’s standard barrel connector or the two pin JST socket provided.
The Pi-AMP+, when powered, has been designed to provide power to the Raspberry Pi / Pi-DAC+ and Pi-AMP+ combination safely. You can continue to use your Pi devices without risk of damage. As with the Pi-DAC+, we’ve focused on the components selected and the attention to audio performance during PCB layout when developing the Pi-AMP+.
The Pi-AMP+ is by default muted at power on (mute LED lit). Mute state / LED is under software control (Raspberry Pi GPIO22) but mute may be overridden by shorting the Pi-AMP+’s P9 pins with a suitable jumper – note the mute LED will remain lit if P9 is shorted.”