I have found two compatibility problems with iOS 11:
Swiping up from the bottom is now a central UI gesture, and it doesn’t work in Roon, for two reasons:
Roon just isn’t compatible, it refuses to show the dock.
Swiping up always hits the progress bar and makes the music jump to a new spot.
In addition, Roon isn’t enabled for split view multitasking. This is not a bug, and not really a central feature either. But I can see several use cases: editing metadata with a browser for getting pictures, credits etc.; reading about musicians and music while listening; reading anything else while listening; working through the mail inbox. Suchultitasking in iOS may introduce conflicts with the higher priority wish, local playback in iOS.
on my iPh6+ when you scroll up the first time you get the up tab then use that to get to the control dock…and while image below is nothing playing the same is true when something is playing in an active zone too.
I see the same behavior on my iPad Pro, but in testing this, it was very easy to hit the progress bar, as noted by @AndersVinberg, causing the playing track to skip to a new location. Not earth shattering, but a bit more iOS 11 friendliness would be appreciated.
(Meanwhile, I’m really digging the alternate-character stuff on the iOS 11 keyboard.)
Ok, I see what you mean: (on my iPad) when I first drag up I get the little arrow-tab, which looks like a remnant from older versions. Then if I lift my finger, put it down again on the tab and drag, I get the normal iOS 11 behavior, first the dock and then the app switcher.
I don’t want to explain that piece of UI agility to family members.
We have the progress bar problem.
If I pull up Safari, it hovers over the Roon app in Slide Over mode. It doesn’t support Split Mode, which is natural, Roon hasn’t been designed to resize itself. But even Slide Over Mode has problems: it only sits on the right, doesn’t allow moving to the left. Worse, it isn’t possible to remove it. More precisely, the standard gestures to remove it don’t work, but now I did something that removed it, don’t know what.
That appears to be new to iOS 11, and didn’t exist for my first report. I guess it is a new workaround. Still disappointing that the usual iOS controls aren’t fully functional in Roon.