Is the Denon X4800H Roon Tested?

I just bought a X4800H and was under the impression that it is Roon tested. However it doesn’t show up as so. Does anyone know?

Roon tested means that it doesn’t support RAAT protocol but can be used either through Airplay in this case or USB output where supported

It should show up in Settings ->Audio for you to enable it


It’s not listed here…

Denon/Marantz roon support is airplay only.

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Yep, that’s correct and that’s where Roon Tested comes in.

What interfaces to Roon have you tried it with? It may work over some or all of the below even if it has not been submitted for testing. It is unlikely to be very different from other Denon devices as I expect they use common software and hardware for these interfaces. All interfaces need enabling in Roon setup before use.

Roon Tested devices work over USB, HDMI, AirPlay, Google Cast, and other protocols. They have been profiled by the Roon team to ensure simple setup and effortless daily use.

I just got the X4800H and it is still not showing up in the Roon UI as Roon Tested. It does show up as an Airplay network device and seems to work fine. Denon claims it is Roon Tested, but it does not show up on Roon’s list of tested devices cited elsewhere here. I think the only material difference is that it does not get the nice device-specific icon in Roon, but it would be nice if someone corrected this discrepancy. I don’t know where the fault lies. Denon advertises the device as Roon Tested, Roon does not. I have also noticed that some other Denon devices such as the Home wireless speaker range are on the official Roon Tested list, but they do not appear as such in the Roon UI, they only appear as generic Airplay devices.

Roon Tested is relevant when connecting the X4800H to Roon server or bridge using USB. How have you connected it? That said, I don’t see this device listed on the partner page.

Incidently, Roon do not charge for certification, so you may want to amend your post.

Thanks for the info on the Roon certification process, I have corrected my original posted. The issue remains that Denon clearly lists this device as Roon Tested, but Roon does not. It is possible that Denon is at fault here. But I will note that a couple of the Denon devices that are listed in that link you provided appear as Roon Tested, but they do not appear as such in the Roon UI (Home 150 and Home 250).

My Denon AVR and Denon Home devices are connected to my ROCK via Ethernet and work fine, I am only commenting about the confusion around the Roon Tested moniker, as indicated by the original post and some of the replies here.

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Sometimes company marketing gets it wrong by jumping the gun. A device is only certified Roon Tested once on the Roon website, and it is my understanding that the website is updated automatically when the status changes.

… and are probably using AirPlay. The following thread may help clarify matters.