I created an album that has the 500 songs that Rolling Stone identified as the greatest of all time back in 2004. I noticed in Roon that only the first 119 tracks are shown. Curious what is causing this limit? I know I can easily break up the album into 5 “disks” with 100 tracks each but I prefer to be able to scroll through all of them in sequential order rather than having to select each disk in the Roon album view. Can someone please explain this limitation to me?
I went ahead an edited the metadata for all the tracks to group them into disks of 100 tracks. However, when I try to edit the album by having Roon prefer the metadata for disk # and track # these changes wont save. When I go back into the album editor, the changes go back to Dont Change. IP have verified that the media # data is correct. Any ideas?
Are you editing the files’ metadata with an external program like mp3tag or are you changing things in Roon’s metadata? In the situation you are describing, I would be editing the actual disk number of the individual files.
I am editing using Tag and Rename. I have added the disk # to each individual file and renamed them all with disk # to make sure the edits are there. This is not the first time Roon has failed to read the disk # from my files.
Have you had Roon rescan the files?
Yes I have multiple times. The thing is I do not think rescanning an individual album does anything. I have to force a rescan of my entire library to see any changes.
Any way, whats even more weird is if manually try to match this album, all 500 tracks are shown in the match verification screen. But when i go back to the album I only see the first 119, with my disk # ignored even though I set preference for my metadata in the album settings. Shouldnt I at least see all the tracks listed by disk # thats in the metadata even if the album is not identified by Roon?
Ok I finally got this to work, though I am not sure how. So my original problem what the Roon did would not show more than 119 tracks for this album. I then decided to break up the 500 tracks into 5 disks with 100 tracks each. However, Roon would not display the disks even though I set the preference for file tag data. Only 119 tracks continued to be displayed with no disks. If I manually selected tracks 101-119 then changed the media # then the tracks would show under that disk #. The weird thing is after I did this, another 19 tracks would show under disk #1.
To get this to work I first manually matched the album. Even after I did this, only 119 tracks still only showed. Now if I edit the album to prefer the media # in the tag then the 5 disks would be displayed.
Any ideas???
I’m reviving this thread.
The new The Rolling Stones in Mono digital download has 186 tracks. Of course Roon’s limitation means I can only see the first 120 tracks.
This is just ridiculous. Why am I fighting with my software?
Find the album on allmusic.com and add discnumber tag to the files as they’ve done and have Roon rescan the album. I believe it comprises 15 CD’s.
I think an album with 186 tracks is a bit ridiculous. Totally unusable from a normal “play this album” p.o.v.
Even with a triple disc album i have to consciously play disc 2 or 3 first otherwise they never get played. If all tracks are contiguous up to a high number it becomes a bit of a lottery where you start from (mid album, end album etc)
I think it is mentioned elsewhere that the track limit will be changed soon.
At the same time, the problem arguably comes from Roon. I don’t think of a 168CD box set as “an album” but Roon does. Hence “play this album” plays somewhere around 2000 tracks…
Not sure agree since you can start playbck at disc 48 and that will make sense as the start of an album, concerto, movement etc
Unless track data happens to be meaningful, starting playback at the track 141 could be anywhere.
Not saying that box set mngt doesn’t need improvement (it surely does) but I don’t see the two issues as so closely related.
In the post disc world Roon needs to adapt to “sets” and “albums” in all shapes and sizes.