Issue accessing TIDAL after upgrade on INNUOS server (ref#V3UPDX)

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What’s happening?

I'm having trouble with my DAC, speakers, streamer, etc.

What best describes the issue with your audio device?


Ever since I installed an upgrade, a couple of days ago, I cannot access TIDAL. The generic response provided was not helpful. How do I manually copy the "bits" file into the appropriate director on a INNUOS server?

This is not happening, in my case

The fix

We are currently working with impacted users to implement a fix which will revert them back to Roon’s prior network connectivity method. This is a simple process and our support team is working with users who need assistance with getting their systems patched.

IN other words, “The fix” does not apply to me because I’m not using a MAC of PC.

Yes you use an Innuos product. It’s best to check with Innuos about a firmware update to fix the issue for you.

PS: IIRC there is a way to make the Roon folder visible/accessible (so you could implement the patch) but I don’t know how to do it and I’m also not an Innuos user. Maybe another Innuos user may read this and can tell you how, but in general you should direct Innuos related questions to Innuos support – they should know the answer.

A post was merged into an existing topic: I’m having issues accessing Roon services or Tidal / Qobuz / KKBOX after the latest update (build 1382) [See Staff Post - Manual Fix Avaliable]

Hey @Matthew_Coeny,

I’ve merged your thread into the larger tracking thread on your issue - which also contains a manual fix for the issue. If you’re not able to get things up and running after going through the steps on the tracking thread, please let me know (you can tag me directly at @benjamin.)
